For the first time, in the Great Student Election (Pemilihan Mahasiswa Raya/Pemira) on 16 December 2015, University of Brawijaya (UB) used e-vote system. E-vote system utilized to choose President and Vice President for Student Executive Agency (BEM) and Student Representative Council (DPM). In addition to be used for Pemira in university level, in faculty level, e-vote is just used for Pemilwa at Faculty of Medicine.
E-vote is a method of voting rights granting using electronic system that including voting process and ballot counting. Delivered by UB’s Computer Centre representative, Sofyan Arief Setya Budi, ST, M.Eng, Brawijaya-Vote recent time is trying not to change procedure that utilized in manual system. And thus still there is a voting place that is including voter verifier and also chamber.
Brawijaya-vote is developed by Information Technology and Communication Unit (TIK Unit). In Indonesia, colleges that also have implemented e-vote system are University of Indonesia and the State University of Semarang.
Election with electronic system in Brawijaya-vote is only applied in voting and counting. “Physically, Voting place still exist,” said Sofyan. The Mechanical Engineering lecturer added, the effort is intended to keep spirit for general election to be retained. “Election with online system could be implemented, but excitement of general election will disappear,” he said. The other characteristic of Brawijaya-Vote is to facilitate students who do not want to vote (abstain).
By e-vote, counting could be done faster, of which previously with manual system, could spent longer time, such as because of technical matters over voting on ballot.
Of the 11,597 ballots that enter, abstain ballot for EM reached 900 ballots meanwhile DPM around 300 ballots.
Spending a month, Brawijaya-Vote development based on windows. [denok/Humas UB/trans. Denok]