Utilization of Raspberry Pi-Based MoodleBox for Mangrove Conservation Community in Sumbermanjing Wetan

In order to fulfill one of the elements of the Tri-Dharma of Higher Education, a team of lecturers from the Faculty of Computer Science Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) again carries out a community service program. The group of lecturers consisting of Ari Kusyanti, S.T., M.Sc., Ir. Primantara Hari Trisnawan, M.Sc., and Kasyful Amron, S.T., M.Sc., and chaired by Fariz Andri Bakhtiar, S.T., M.Kom provide training on the use of Raspberry Pi-based MoodleBox to the mangrove conservation community in the South Malang area. This service program also involves active students of the Faculty of Computer Science, including Gabrielle Evan Farrell and Ifadatul Khoiroh.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, education to the general public, which is often carried out by the mangrove conservation community, has also adapted to being held in a blended manner (face to face and distance), by utilizing the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) concept. However, the location of education which is far from urban areas often results in the emergence of obstacles to connecting to the internet network. So, it is hoped that a special platform that uses portable servers without continuous connection to the internet network can help the online education process in remote areas to continue to be carried out within the scope of the local network.

“The portable server that was developed can first synchronize data with the main server via internet. After that, the portable server can be taken to remote areas and act as learning tools in the local network without requiring a connection to the internet network, “explained Fariz.

This series of community service activities begins with a survey of the problems faced by Tiga Warna Clungup Mangrove Conservation (CMC) as partners. After that, a Raspberry Pi-based MoodleBox system was built that can be used as a portable server. A practical module containing an explanation of the introduction and operation of MoodleBox was also prepared, to be later used in training for partners which was held on Monday (17/9/2022) at the CMC Tiga Warna Secretariat, Sumbermanjing Wetan District, Malang Regency.

The training was opened by the Head of the Information-Based Network Research Group, Achmad Basuki, S.T., M.MG., Ph.D. The main part of this training consists of two sessions, namely Introduction to MoodleBox and Operation of MoodleBox. After filling out the attendance list, the participants enthusiastically took part in the interactive format training delivered by a team of lecturers and students. At the end of the event, the participants were directed to fill out a questionnaire, then the MoodleBox device was handed over to Lia Putrinda Anggawa Mukti as the Chair of the Conservation Community.

Based on the questionnaires that have been distributed, the participants responded positively to the training activities. It is hoped that this Community Service program can have a positive impact and contribute to the sustainability of the community education process, especially related to conservation in South Malang. [frz/drn/Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]