Systematic Literature Review or SLR Training for UB Lectures

Head of Library, Dr. Iwan Permadi, SH., M.Hum. gave a speech.

As a continuation of the Scopus Article Writing Training for Lecturers at UB Guest House, the Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Library held a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Training on (9/12–12/12/2024) to optimize the use of e-resources and increase the academic productivity of lecturers in writing Scopus-indexed scientific articles. The training was held in four batches in Meeting Room 1 of UB Library Building, 1st Floor, starting at 09.00 WIB until finished. Each batch was attended by an average of 50 participants, providing flexibility for lecturers to adjust their schedules to their teaching schedules.

In his speech, the Head of UB Library, Dr. Iwan Permadi, S.H., M.Hum., emphasized that this training is part of a program initiated by the Directorate of Administration and Academic Services (DALA) and the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (VR 1). This program aims to support UB’s target of achieving 4,000 Scopus-indexed publications.

“This SLR and Bibliometric training aims to optimize the use of e-resources subscribed to by UB Library, such as Science Direct, Springer, and ProQuest and others. We want to support UB lecturers by providing training and facilities that allow them to write quality articles without having to do additional research,” said Dr. Iwan.

One of the lecturers asked a question.

Dr. Iwan also shared his personal success story, where the results of similar training helped him achieve the title of Professor. “With the right technique, we can produce Q1 articles and avoid plagiarism detection in Turnitin and iThenticate,” he added.

In addition to training, UB Library provides additional facilities such as Scholar’s Lounge, Co-Working Space, and Snack Point to support the comfort of lecturers while writing and consulting.

Systematic Literature Review Training Material

Ir. Heri Prayitno is presenting the material.

The main material for the SLR training was delivered by Ir. Heri Prayitno, who emphasized the efficiency offered by modern technology, especially AI, in writing SLR articles.

“Writing SLR manually takes a long time, but with the help of AI, this process can be completed in just two days,” said Ir. Heri when opening the training session. He also divided the training into two sessions, namely the use of topics provided by the presenter and the use of topics chosen by the participants.

Participants were invited to start by creating a mind map using the Whimsical application. This mind map provides a comprehensive overview of the topic discussed, thus helping to save time in literature exploration. The next step is to formulate research questions, which are considered key to understanding the depth of the problem raised.

Ir. Heri recommends the use of AI-based tools such as Claude to help generate research questions with a more natural language style. “The key to success is how we utilize AI to provide results that suit our needs,” he said.

This SLR training not only prepares lecturers to write Scopus-indexed articles, but also optimizes UB Library e-resources, which are targeted to reach 2.5 million downloads. With the support of modern facilities and UB’s commitment to increase academic productivity, this program is expected to be a strategic step towards achieving the target of 4,000 Scopus-indexed publications. Next week, it will be continued with Bibliometric Training by presenting speaker Mr. Pitoyo Widhi Atmoko, S.Si., M.Si. on (16/12 – 19/12/2024). (*/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

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