Kampung Biru Arema (KBA) is one of the tourist destinations in Malang City that still needs assistance in its management so that it can be more well known. Therefore, one of the groups from the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Community Service Program (CSP) to help developing KBA.
This CSP activity has been going on for three years and is implemented in several stages. This activity aims to evoke KBA characteristics as a tourist destination. This year, the team invited Joni Agung Sudarmanto, M.Ds., a lecturer at the State University of Malang, as a speaker.
This CSP team consists of Tantri Refa Indhiarti, MA, Emy Sudarwati, M.Pd., and Yana Shanti Manipuspika, M.App.Ling, lecturers of the Study Program of English Literature FCS UB assisted by two students namely Bramsetyo Adi Nugroho and Andre Achsan Kosasih.
There are three stages carried out in this activity, namely; training, assisting and empowering. The first stage focuses on improving the data bank, such as photos or documentation on the creation of existing artworks in KBA. The second stage is to assist youth organizations so that they can make reviews or news articles about activities carried out by the KBA community. The third stage is empowering KBA by bringing in trainers to because there are still many competencies of the KBA community that need to be explored.
“I hope that in the future, KBA can become an independent village. FCS UB, other faculties, and other universities have also carried out many academic activities in KBA to make it better known to the wider society. It will make people interested in searching for the keyword ‘Kampung Biru Arema’ on the internet, so that later there will be many people who come to visit KBA. This can increase the economic power of the KBA community,” said Tantri. [DTS]