Eco-Enzyme Training in Ngampungan Village: Increasing Awareness of Organic Waste Management

Training event

In an effort to raise community awareness and skills in organic waste management, Ngampungan Village, Bareng District, Jombang Regency, recently held a training entitled “Organic Waste Processing into Eco-Enzyme”. This activity was initiated by the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya and targeted the local village PKK mothers’ group as the main participants.

This training presented Dr. Rosihan Asmara, SE., MP., as the main speaker. He explained the importance of organic waste processing and the benefits of eco-enzyme, a liquid resulting from the fermentation of organic waste that has various functions, such as an environmentally friendly cleaner, organic fertilizer, and natural pesticide.

The event was officially opened by the Head of Bareng Village, Rohan, who in his speech appreciated this initiative as a strategic step towards an environmentally aware village. “I hope that PKK mothers can become pioneers in managing organic waste and apply the knowledge they have gained to maintain environmental cleanliness,” he said.

During the training, participants learned about how to choose materials, the fermentation process, and the utilization of the resulting eco-enzyme. The enthusiasm of the participants was proven bytheir enthusiasm in following each session, from theory to direct practice.

“We hope that this activity can improve the skills of PKK mothers in processing organic waste and creating a healthier and cleaner environment,” said Dr. Rosihan Asmara. The Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya is also committed to continue to support similar programs that have a positive impact on the community.

With the implementation of this training, Ngampungan Village is expected to become an example in managing organic waste creatively and innovatively. In addition, the knowledge gained by PKK mothers is expected to be disseminated to the wider community, so that environmental conservation efforts are maximized. (RSH/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)