Inauguration of EM President and Vice President and DPM for 2025 Period  

Rector (right) shakes hands with the chairman of EM for 2025 period

Rector Prof. Widodo, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D., Med.Sc inaugurated the President and Vice President of the Student Executive and the Student Representative Council of Universitas Brawijaya for the Period of 2025, Monday (16/12/2024) in the corridor of the Rectorate, 1st floor. The inauguration was attended by the inaugurated students, the ranks of Vice Dean III of the Faculty and representatives of EM & DPM 2024.

In his remarks, he advised the students who were inaugurated today not to only focus on political issues but also have scientific knowledge as provisions. “Students should not only focus on politics but also have sufficient scientific knowledge and ethics,” he advised.

The EM and DPM management that was inaugurated were Azka Rasyad Alfatdi (Faculty of Law/2021) as President of EM, Muhammad Ghifari Aulia (FISIP/2022) as Vice President of EM, and Sultan Isjad Ubaidillah (FH/2022) as chairman of DPM along with other DPM administrators.

The Chancellor emphasized the importance of EM’s support for the programs of Vice Chancellor III. This support is in the form of synergy of EM activities that can fully develop UB as an institution that develops knowledge and innovation.

It is hoped that EM programs can be developed by prioritizing the spirit of togetherness, respecting diversity. “Diversity is not part of division but make it a strength,” he said.

EM and DPM should be able to appear as role models for UB students. As conveyed by the Chancellor, such as the Javanese concept In Ngarso Sung Tuladha. EM and DPM are in the front position, their behavior will be emulated by all UB students.

Therefore, it is hoped that EM and DPM can think carefully about every action, including on social media. The Chancellor hopes that they don’t just want to go viral but don’t see the impact in the future for the campus which will ultimately damage UB’s image. The Chancellor described the damage to UB’s image as being able to impact partners’ trust in the quality of graduates. [sitirahma/UB PR/ Trans. Iir]