After Health Problem, 10 FT Students were Declared Healthy and Allowed to Go Home

The Head of Information System and Public Relation Management (PSIK) FT Adharul Mutaqin ST, MT together with the Dean of FT, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, S.T., Ph.D., IPU.,ASEAN., Eng and the Director of UB Hospital, Prof. Dr.dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes while Conducting Press Conference with a Number of Media

As many as 10 out of 11 students of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) who were treated at UB Hospital and Wagir Health Center due to suspected food intoxication while doing a Student Work Camp (KKM) in Jedong Village, Wagir District, Malang Regency, on Tuesday (7/2) declared healthy and allowed to go home.

Head of Information and Public Relations Management System (PSIK) FT Adharul Mutaqin ST, MT explained, out of a total of 1,279 participants, eleven students experienced food intoxication and were referred to health facilities.

“Of these, 10 people have been declared healthy and allowed to go home. One person chose to remain in the hospital so that he could continue to be monitored,” said Adharul. Meanwhile for other participants, a health screening was carried out while at the Faculty of Engineering to ensure they could go to their respective residences.

Adharul added, the majority of KKM participants who were sick were women, and had been referred to UB Hospital (RSUB). “For all men, they relatively healthy,” he said.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, S.T., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN., Eng said that his party and the team had made preparations and selected activity locations since last semester.

“In principle, we have well designed this activity in such a way as to find a place. This activity is the 43rd. At the time of Covid-19 it was still being held but hybrid. We implement this activity for the community, including building PJUs,” he said.

Prof. Hadi added that when there was a case of poisoning, his party had evacuated together with the Health Service and the local Health Center.

“As far as we know, after eating dinner in the morning, many people experience diarrhea. We, assisted by the Voluntary Corps (KSR) team, evacuated to the nearest location, such as Omah Ndeso restaurant,” he said.

Meanwhile the Director of UB Hospital Prof. Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes explained that food intoxication can occur anywhere, especially in food together at a banquet or certain event.

“This condition may occur when food processing is not right, it could also be due to Amoeba and viruses that cause intoxication resulting in diarrhea. Diarrhea is said if there are defecation (BAB) more than three times with a liquid consistency, soft and there is mucus. From there we finally observed which ones were really sick and which ones could have been sent home with medication,” she said. So far, the Faculty of Engineering is still coordinating to monitor the condition of students after the activity. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]