Commander is a Juicy Figure

Book review of Appointed as Commander of Indonesian National Army does not make Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto haughty. This regard was delivered by Eddy Suprapto, the writer of “Anak Sersan Jadi Panglima: Panglima TNI Marsekal Hadi Tjahjanto” in book review event which was conducted on Thursday (08/Mar/2018) at Nuswantara Auditorium, Faculty of Social and Political Science Brawijaya University. It turns out that Eddy is the Commander’s classmate since they were in 2nd grader of Senior High School, thus he confessed to be very close and know him. “The Commander is a juicy figure,” Eddy said.

Eddy does not think that the Commander is suitable in the book market. For now only, precisely three month after his inauguration, the book has sold around 3 thousand exemplars. “Recently I am chased by revision deadline for the send edition. And the book also have been waited for in English, because several demands from several other countries,” Eddy added.

In addition, if seen from communication aspect, Anang Sujoko, a lecturer at Communication Science as well as Vice Dean II of Faculty of Social and Political Science explained the book contains of the philosophical value of struggle. Like the proverbial “Berakit-rakit ke hulu berenang-renang ke tepian, berakit-sakit dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian”, so as the Commander’s struggle. Of his family’s story who live in ordinary life, with less economy, but capable in generating great children, because their parents always give the best struggle. Anang also delivered that the Commander makes chop in military bureaucracy, since highly paying attention to Javanese local wisdom namely andhap asor. Despite being in an environment dominated by Indonesian National Army whose official is below him, he is very respect with people surroundings, although he is officially higher. It means, the Commander with a high rank, is remained to respect others in terms of age and culture. “Such culture in military world should be adopted by other organizations,” Anang added.

Colonel Wahyu Tjahjadi, the Commander’s brother who was also invited in the book review expected the book will become motivation for people with similar background so as not to give up. Despite limited family situation, his father was only in tamtama rank and chased debt of various directions, but they remained to struggle for their children. “Because there is fasting, there will be the Eid, as my mother said.” Wahyu said. [Charisma/HUMAS FISIP/trans. Denok]