UB Expert: Indonesia is in the Communication Current Crisis Stage

Currently Indonesia is in a critical situation. Based on the current theory, the situation is now in the third stage that is current crisis.

The current situation is multidimensional, not only affecting health, but also economic, social, cultural, and social psychology.

UB Communication Expert, Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.So., Ph.D, Tuesday (01/12), when he was a speaker in the SINDO Goes To Campus program: Media & Government Public Communication in the Pandemic Era.

This activity was organized by SINDO Newspaper and SINDOnews as a form of commitment to develop cooperation with academicians throughout Indonesia.

He explained various aspects affected by covid-19.

Based on the data, the health aspect is much better than in May and June, where the active number data began to decline.

In the economic aspect, there has been an increase in open unemployment, layoffs in various places, and the poverty rate is getting higher. Meanwhile, economic growth has decreased.

Rachmat also explained that some of the causes of pandemic were growing to the current crisis stage.

“Government strategy, community conditions, media, and political life.” said the Head of the Postgraduate of Communication Study Program of FISIP-UB.

He observed that the formation of laws in the midst of a pandemic was good, but the strategy implemented by the government was still not optimal.

The government also has a lack of quick response. In critical management of incidents in China, it should be a condition and a sign that must be considered in making anticipatory efforts.

According to Rachmat, it would be more effective, if in last January, various campaigns related to the Covid-19 epidemic had started when it entered the country.

However, based on media reports, the new campaign was held in April, where the death toll had reached 198 people and infected victims reached 2020.

Rachmat said the Indonesian people have mutual cooperation culture as the effectiveness of litual communication in dealing with Covid 19. The negative side that emerges is the crowd during worship. In addition, hoax information from netizen or media, it is important for us to choose online media that are already affiliated with conventional media, and do not share media that are not yet integrated.” added Rachmat.

Then, Rachmat gave several solutions in critical communication to open the dialogue. “Critical communication cannot stand alone so it must go through risk communication and issue management. If the two communications do not work well then the country is in a critical condition.” he said.

The first solution is one gate communication. It takes a unity of information in a critical situation. For example, the role of Kominfo as a communication coordinator, which should have collaborated with the Covid-19 Task Force. “However, Kominfo is more active in efforts to overcome hoaxes.” he said.

There is continuity between regional and central autonomy. And the need for strong control measures from the government to socialization in some areas that tend to be less firm. The socialization is also expected to contain the delivery of education accompanied by consistent coercive communication.

The government is also expected to be able to take advantage of various alternative media and not focus on the internet. This is because dialogical communication through interpersonal in the village is still not optimal.

“The hope is that the communication strategy used can shoot all targets with various communication media, as well as the need for media literacy support, such as precision reporting and framing,” he added. (FISIP-UB / PSIK / Humas / Tina / Mondry / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)