By the ratification over regulation of Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 04 Year of 2016 regards to University of Brawijaya’s Organization and Working Procedures (Organisasi dan Tata Kerja/OTK) 2016, then University of Brawijaya (UB) should implement immediately the new regulations. This regard was delivered by Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Bisri, MS in an event so-called “Socialization over Preparation of OTK-UB Implementation”, Tuesday (08/Mar/2016). The event organized at Faculty of Agricultural Technology UB’s Hall and attended by UB’s principal board started from Bureau Head, Division Head, Administrative Head, and also Sub-Division Head all over faculties and working units.
OTK that has been ratified is a result of the proposed in 2015, of which previously UB ran over OTK 1995. “After 21 years, UB proposes a new OTK since in the previous one, new faculties like FISIP, FIB, FKH, FKG and FILKOM were not yet registered at Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucracy Reform, thus things related to state policies could not be fulfilled. Yet recently, by the new OTK, the new faculties have been ratified,” Rector explained.
Rector pursued, there are many changes in the new OTK, such as human resources restructuring, there are several positions will be eliminated. “Therefore would be organized a suitability-analysis-positions in order to review each position profile at UB,” he said.
In addition to implement UB’s OTK 2016, the suitability-analysis-positions also executed based on PERKA BKN number 7 year of 2013 about Office Suitability. Vice Rector II on General Administrative and Finance affairs Dr. Sihabudin, SH., MH mentioned, on the one hand, UB has overload in employees yet on the other side, certain units are lack of employees.
“Therefore, suitability-analysis-positions is necessary to review employee’s potency, their weaknesses and strengths, thus could be a reference to allocate people in accordance with their capacities or the right man in the right place,” said Vice Rector II.
Meanwhile, Head of Suitability-Analysis-Positions Dr. Ir. Sudarminto Setyo Yuwono, M.App.Sc delivers, there are three aspects of benchmark assessment over suitability-analysis-positions. Including managerial aspects, knowledge aspects and UB’s organization and also basic knowledge over IT. Suitability-Test-Positions would be held on Saturday (19/Mar/2016).
“The test will analyze human resources in accordance with their capacities. If considered there are weaknesses, then there will be an improvement in form of training to increase competences,” said Sudarminto.
Several substantial differences between old OTK and the new one, explained by Suitability-Analysis-Positions Secretary Mohammad Farid Rahman, S.Si., M.Si are as follows: additional of five new faculties, changes on FEB and FPIK’s name, merger of University’s organs (LP3 and PJM to be LP3M) and working unit elimination, deficit in number of echelon positions, and also changes on positions nomenclature.
“In addition, Vocational Program position would be returned to each department, the Senate is authorized in providing policies of non-academic aspect, the existence of Advisory Council which previously did not exist, and then Internal Control Unit (Satuan Pengawasan Internal/SPI) position will be more autonomous in finance-accountability inspection. For Laboratory Head, afterwards will no longer be led by lecturers but institutional educational laboratory (PLP/Pranata Laboratorium Pendidikan) who has expert position,” Farid ended. [Irene/Humas UB/trans. Denok]