Orientasi Mahasiswa FEB Beri Pembekalan Keamanan Kampus hingga Peran Mahasiswa dalam Perguruan Tinggi

The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Brawijaya held a Student Orientation (ORMAWA) activity which was attended by all new students. This event aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the various important aspects that they will face during their campus life.

In this activity, students received briefings from several speakers who are competent in their fields. The first material was delivered by Mr. Anton Widodo, the Lowokwaru Police Chief, who discussed the security of campus environment and its surroundings, providing insight into the importance of maintaining personal and environmental safety on campus.

Furthermore, students were given an explanation of the Student Family Structure (KM) which is an internal student organization, which is expected to help them organize and collaborate during their studies.

The last material discussed the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the role and function of students in supporting it. In addition, an explanation was also provided regarding the Bullying and Sexual Violence Counseling Service Unit (ULKPKS) on campus, emphasizing the importance of a safe and violence-free learning environment [sha, 2024/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir].


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