Opening Ceremony MTQMN XVII 2023 : Moving Forward to Build Civilization, Realizing Qur’anic Values

Brawijaya University has again been trusted by the Indonesian Talent Development Agency (BPTI) together with the National Achievement Center (Puspresnas) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology to host the National Level of Musabaqoh Tilawatil Quran (MTQMN) XVII 2023. This biggest Musabaqah competition performance was attended by 2,653 participants from 213 universities in Indonesia with 11 branches and 15 competition fields. This activity, which was held for eight days (4 – 11/11), is one part of realizing the talents of the younger generation in developing potential in the field of Qur’an. Becoming part of efforts to identify student abilities through competitive event catalysts. Currently UB has sent 38 caravans representing each area of Musabaqoh.

Thousands of participants will compete for the best title in 15 Musabaqoh fields consisting of: Tilawatil Qur’an, Tartil Qur’an, Qira’at Sab’ah, Fahmil Qur’an, Hifzhil Qur’an 10 Juz, Hifzhil Qur’an 20 Juz , Hifzhil Qur’an 30 Juz, Khattil Decoration, Khattil Contemporary, Syahril Qur’an, Scientific Writing of the Qur’an, Qur’an Application Design, Arabic Language Debate, English Debate, and Musabaqoh Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. With these various competition fields, MTQMN has transformed into a platform for students to explore Islam and strengthen relationships between the academic community. This competition also promotes togetherness, unity and harmony among Muslims as the basis for a way of life. “We hope that through MTQMN, students can act as outstanding ambassadors of Qur’an, of course with souls and behavior that reflect spiritual values and contribute to creating better moral changes before Allah and in society, in line with current developments,” said Prof. Dr. Sri Suning Kusumawardani ST, MT as Director of Learning and Student Affairs.

In his speech, UB Rector, Prof. Widodo, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D, Med.Sc said that this MTQMN activity is one part of campus education which aims to produce agents of change in the future, building a glorious civilization just like the previous glories of Islam, not just our nation’s civilization but also advancing world civilization. “Throughout its journey, higher education has carried out a fairly large mandate, namely to form a superior generation of young people in various scientific disciplines. Starting from science, technology to social humanities, the realization of which cannot be separated from Qur’anic values both mentally and practically. “No matter how intelligent a person is, if their heart is not filled with God, none of them will be elevated in the eyes of the Creator,” he said.

Besides, UB’s Board of Trustees (MWA), Prof. Dr. Mahfud MD, SH, SU, MIP also expressed his deepest appreciation for the implementation of MTQMN XVII. According to him, the progress of higher education can be seen from two things, namely having strict academic “norms” and good academic “traditions”. The two are interconnected and sustainable in accordance with the foundation of Article 31 of the Constitution, that education is carried out based on faith, piety and morals to advance science and technology. “The nation’s next generation must adhere to these two things, science and religion. Practice it to all humans so that in the future they will become leaders who are integrated, think with knowledge, carry out their mandate with manners, so that love for their homeland becomes a step in their faith in the Creator,” he concluded.

The opening ceremony for MTQMN XVII 2023 is directly opened by UB leadership and enlivened by reciting the holy Qur’an from each of caravans of each universities. In addition, all participants were also entertained with a music parade, fireworks show, marching band performance and musical theater. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]