National Instruments Introduces Its Academic Platform

NI introduces its academic platform

In collaboration with Faculty of Computer Science University of Brawijaya (UB), National Instruments (NI) held a seminar to introduce academic platform and its latest technology (8/Apr/2016). Krisna Wisnu as NI’s Field Applications Engineer attended as speaker on the occasion.  Not only FILKOM UB’s post graduate student program and lecturers who attended as participants, lecturers and students of other Indonesian universities like State University of Malang, Kanjuruhan University, Harapan Technical High School, Gadjah Mada University and University of Indonesia also attended the seminar.

Has been long active in industry since 1986, NI recently has penetrated academic world with NI’s technology product of LabView Student Edition. Delivered by Krisna, expansion of LabView Technology Development for usage in academic world is aimed to prepare human resources that able to utilize NI technology optimally. “We got into academic also due to industrial partners requests. They said they need also human resources who advanced in LabView,” Krisna explained. According to him, large expenses are necessary for companies to involve employees in LabView training. “So they would be happy to recruit human resources who has been certified and advanced in NI technology,” he added.

Till recent, has been many industries are turning to use LabView since technology made by NI could simplify complicated programming. Till recent, LabView users are including industry and academic. For instance, LabView users in industries such as Nokia, Microsoft, Toshiba, IBM, Sony, Unilever, Yamaha and Ford. Meanwhile, in academic world, LabView has been used such as in Faculty of Computer Science UB, State Polytechnic of Padang, University of Indonesia, State University of Surabaya, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology and State Polytechnic of Jakarta.

In academic world itself, LabView technology has been used in several student categories robotic competition in international level. Such as, in the competition named World Robot Olympiad (WRO), FIRST Robotics Competition and World Skills Competition. Therefore, for educational institution who interested in learning LabView, NI provides 6 free trial months of LabView usage for students and a year free trial for lecturers. “Easy to do, only by showing student identity card and their supervisor,” Krisna explained. [dna/Humas UB/trans. Denok]

Further information regard to LabView could contact or contact Lab. Sistem Komputer dan Robotika FILKOM UB.