MyPolice, Application Design to Monitor Accident and Create SKCK

July 16th, 2021
No. 69/VII/2021


Five UB students created MyPolice application design with Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology equipped with Ultrasonic sensors to monitor accidents, to create Police Records Certificate (SKCK).

One of the students, Zuhdan said, the sensor design is installed on the front and rear bumpers of the car, so that if an accident occurs, it will send data in the form of time, location and information to submit.

If it is felt that user needs police assistance, the user will submit it so that the data is automatically sent to the police admin. The next step, the police will come to the location to review and follow up.

“This feature helps in speeding up data recording, for first aid accidents, the phone feature on the Halo Police menu can be used,” said Zuhdan.

Another feature is Halo Police, which consists of several menus, which are crime reports, disaster response reports, firefighters and safety guidelines provided in this application.

“In this feature, people can contact the police according to their needs. There is also other information such as location of the police station, emergency room and the nearest gas station,” he said.

The Halo Police feature also serves COVID-19 response in collaboration with the nearest healt center, clinic or hospital to optimize health and safety services to the community.

My Police application also has several features, such as E-Traffic Ticket and Online SKCK, Vehicle Documents to manage driving license and vehicle documents such as STNK and BPKB.

MyPolice which is the result of Creative Initiative of College Students Creativity Program from cross-faculty students of Universitas Brawijaya guided by Fapet Lecturer, Dr. PREMY PUSPITAWATI RAHAYU , S.Pt., MP. with Chairman Zuhdan Alaik (Fapet), and 4 team members including Aufa Fajrul Wisdom (FH), Enny Lisdayanti Hasanah (FIA), Abdul Munir Roja’i (FMIPA) and M. Kharis Abdurrohman (Filkom).

“Indeed, there have also been many application service developments launched by the Police at this time, but they have not been integrated into one application, causing a lack of understanding in the usage for the community,” said the team leader, Zuhdan Alaik.

With two excellent features, VoIP as a telephone feature and ultrasonic sensors as an accident monitor, it is hoped that the community can be helped and the police performance can be optimal. Thus, the public’s perspective on the police will improve.

“I hope that the presence of MyPolice can optimize all police services to the community, as well as increase active communication between the two,” said the Team Leader, Zuhdan. (OKY/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)

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Kotok Gurito, S.E.
Kepala Humas UB

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