FAP 3rd National Meeting Strengthens Alumni’s Role for Campus and Nation

The 3rd National Meeting (Munas) of the Alumni Forum of Water Resources Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Brawijaya (FT UB), was officially opened by the Dean of FT UB, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, ST, MT, PhD, IPU, ASEAN Eng, on Saturday (December 14, 2024).

The primary agenda of this Munas was to elect a new chairman for the Alumni Forum of Water Resources Engineering (FAP), replacing Dr. Ir. Hari Suprayogi, MEng, who served during the 2019–2024 term and is a former Director General of Water Resources at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing.

Hari Suprayogi emphasized the importance of guest lectures for Water Resources Engineering students to broaden their knowledge in his speech. The Dean of FT UB also highlighted that such guest lectures should not only focus on Water Resources Engineering but also cover other topics, such as entrepreneurship.

During Hari Suprayogi’s leadership, guest lectures were held five times, featuring alumni as speakers to share their practical expertise in evolving fields.

FTUB Dean, Prof. Ir. Hadi Suyono, ST., MT., Ph.D., ASEAN Eng., echoed Hari’s sentiments, acknowledging the vital role of alumni in mentoring students through activities like dam competitions.

“We hope the FAP Munas can become a pioneer and serve as a bridge connecting alumni, the alma mater, and society to achieve sustainable development goals in the water resources sector,” he remarked before officially opening the event.

Water Resources Engineering at UB has been established for nearly 50 years, making it one of the oldest departments in the Faculty of Engineering. This Munas welcomed alumni from the 1976 cohort to the latest graduates.

The total number of UB Water Resources Engineering alumni has reached approximately 3,000, spread across various fields of work. The Head of the Department of Water Resources Engineering, Dr. Ir. Runi Asmaranto, ST, MT, IPM, ASEAN Eng, noted the significant contributions of alumni in advancing the institution, particularly in updating curricula annually.

“Alumni provide insights into current needs, such as the importance of wastewater sanitation, which can be included in courses or explored further by practitioners,” he explained.

The committee chair, Ir. Yanuar Hendra Permana, ST, MT, outlined three main activities in this Munas: a guest lecture held on Friday (December 13, 2024) with 121 participants, the Munas attended by 285 registrants, and a health walk on Sunday (December 15, 2024), coinciding with UB’s anniversary celebration.

At this 3rd National Meeting, Dr. Hari Suprayogi extended his leadership from the previous term (2019–2024) to 2029 through an acclamation election. He outlined his vision to continue existing programs while introducing innovations aligned with national developments.