The Technical Implementation Unit for Student Personality Development (UPT PKM) Brawijaya University (UB), through the Center for Character and Diversity Studies sent 30 selected students out of 285 students who registered and joined the Moral Camp program.
This time the 2023 Moral Camp has the theme: “Exploring Diversity, Being Inclusive for the Universe”. This theme has a strategic mission to make a religious and tolerant society a laboratory for society to absorb the values of tolerance and inclusion that are already practiced in society. After exploring this diversity, the Moral Camp participants were encouraged to become individuals and at the same time ambassadors for the campaign for inclusive values and peace.
The activity started on Friday (17/11/2023) with a welcoming event, introductions and preparations for going to residents’ homes (welcoming) accompanied by the host of the Participant Residence (local committee), Sharing and reflection on Tolerance.
On the second day, participants were invited to discuss together with Islamic, Hindu and Buddhist religious figures and share learning practices of local arts and culture in Ngadas Village. On the last day, students were invited to explore the Panorama of Bromo and Outbound, program reflection, and submit RTL (Project Based Program Progress Reporting).
Head of UPT PKM, Dr. Mohamad Anas, M.Phil said, Ngadas Village, Poncokusumo District, is the right location for Moral Camp activities because of the diverse, tolerant, modern and inclusive community.
This village has a diversity of Buddhist, Islamic and Hindu religions. The practice of religious tolerance in this village is reflected in various forms, for example Ujung-unjung tradition (a tradition of visiting residents after major religious holidays), inclusive cemeteries, and cooperation in establishing places of worship, and many others. Still according to Mohamad Anas, this village is interesting because it makes customs a bond between religions. Several traditions and traditional ceremonies must be followed by all residents of Ngadas Village and do not conflict with religion, but instead support each other.
Meanwhile, the Head of the 2023 Moral Camp Program, Destriana Saraswati, M. Phil, hopes that students who take part in this program will be able to explore the treasures and wisdom of the practice of tolerance which never ends and can become very valuable capital for the 2023 Moral Camp participants to strengthen their become a person who has a tolerant and moderate attitude and is able to realize inclusive values for the universe.
Moral Camp itself is an acronym for Caring for Religiosity, Rationality and Literacy. The activity they carried out was Live-in at people’s homes to learn more about Tolerance for three days.
One of the main requirements for participating in this activity is UB undergraduate students, preferably those who are/have taken the four Compulsory Curriculum Subjects (Religion, Pancasila, Citizenship, and Indonesian). Before going live, the participants received briefing from the presenters who explained the ins and outs of diversity, techniques for creating output in the form of infographics, videos and articles, as well as social media management materials. (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).