MMD UB Educates on the Use of  Digital Platform and Socialize the Teenager Violence

Students Build Villages (MMD) Group 59, Universitas Brawijaya.

Students Build Villages (MMD) Group 59, Universitas Brawijaya, held a socialization on the types of violence against adolescents at SMK YP 17 Selorejo as part of the School Environment Introduction Period (MPLS) activities. This event aims to provide new students with a better understanding of the various forms of violence that can occur and how to overcome them. This activity was carried out in the form of socialization and interactive discussions. In addition, participants were also asked to fill out a questionnaire to evaluate the effectiveness and benefits of the socialization program.

The activity began with various educational programs at SMK YP 17 Selorejo and SDN Selorejo 01, including socialization of violence against teenagers, a seminar on “Speaking, Developing, Creating” for vocational school students, utilization of digital platforms such as Google Meet and Google Classroom, increasing foreign language literacy in elementary schools through innovative digital approaches, savings campaigns, and increasing motivation to learn mathematics through game-based learning.

The motivation behind this activity was the school’s concern about juvenile delinquency. “The majority of students in Selorejo village have been smoking since elementary school and at night do illegal racing on the streets,” said Mr. Sofyan, a teacher and student staff at SMK YP 17 Selorejo.

On Tuesday, (16/7/2024), the activity continued with two socializations at SMK YP 17 Selorejo. First, Seminar B3 with the theme “Speaking, Developing, Creating” which was aimed at grade 12 students majoring in Digital Business (Marketing). This seminar covers aspects of public speaking skills, from presentations to interactive discussions and public speaking strategies. The objectives of this activity include improving public speaking skills, strengthening self-confidence, and understanding the important role of public speaking in the world of business and marketing. Second, Digital Education Socialization which focuses on the use of Google Meet, Google Classroom, and Google Drive for daily learning and collaboration activities. This activity includes socialization sessions and live demonstrations, where students are taught practical steps to use Google Meet for virtual meetings, Google Classroom for class management and assignment collection, and Google Drive for efficient file storage and sharing.

The activities at SDN 01 Selorejo lasted for three days, from 18 to 20 July 2024. The activities included an introduction to MMD UB, digital-based foreign language learning, a campaign to save money, increasing motivation to learn mathematics based on games, and outdoor activities to train students’ motor skills.

After all the activities were completed, the MMD UB team held an evaluation with the teachers at SDN 01 Selorejo. “Thank you for choosing our school as the place to carry out this activity. We, the teachers, can learn a lot about new learning approaches and methods that we may not have applied before in the teaching and learning process,” said one of the teachers when closing the evaluation session.

This activity is expected to have a positive impact on the education sector in Selorejo Village, creating a superior and quality village education environment. (dzilla/wdd/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

  From Berita UB