Universitas Brawijaya (UB) students formulate a topical oil that helps prevent tantrums and stress in people with autism. The oil is called MIOPI ((Aromatherapy Rub Oil).
MIOPI is a brand of aromatherapy oil products with its benefits as a stress reliever while preventing tantrums in people with autism.
The team consisted of Istiani (FMIPA 2020) as Chair, along with four team members, namely Linda Kumalasari (FISIP 2020), Sri Fatonah (FMIPA 2020), Nabila Shafa Yumna Salsabila (FMIPA 2020) and Farah Tasya Salsabila (FIB 2021), under guidance of Dra. Sri Wardhani M. Si, a lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UB.
Istiani explained, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder whose cause has not been determined. Autism is likely caused by many very complex factors. Genetically found that autism is caused by the interaction of several genes.
“Autism cannot be cured. However, there are many ways that people with autism can adapt to their daily lives, such as behavioral and physical therapy, taking medication to treat behavior and mood disorders, as well as using essential oils,” explained Istiani.
One of the characteristics of autism is instability in expressing emotions or often we hear in the term ‘Tantrum’. When experiencing tantrums, people with autism usually vent their emotions by crying, hitting, kicking, screaming, throwing things, and even banging their heads.
Compared to other similar products, MIOPI has the advantage of using natural basic ingredients in the form of cocoa bean extract and cloves. The content in cocoa beans such as flavanols, polyphenols, theobromine, the amino acid tryptophan can reduce anxiety, calm nervous tension, and cause a sense of comfort and relaxation. In addition, the content of caryophyllene, anxiolytic in cloves is useful as an antidepressant and can improve mood.
MIOPI products have been tested several times, including organoleptic tests, PH tests, GC-MS tests, and direct tests on autism. The team visited three places for people with autism in Malang, there are SLB Autism UM Laboratory, SLB Autism River Kids, SLB C Autism Negeri Kedungkandang Malang City.
“Our goal is to introduce the MIOPI product so that the benefits can be felt by people with autism to reduce the symptoms they feel and prevent tantrums,” said Istiani.
MIOPI is packaged in a 10 mL roll on bottle at a price of IDR 55,000/bottle that can be taken anywhere and anytime. This product has been mass produced and marketed. Marketing is done offline through Cash on Delivery (COD) and online through Shopee, Tokopedia, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Tiktok.
Nabila added, the main target of MIOPI is parents who have children with special needs or autism.
“The target in the future, we will intensify the marketing of MIOPI, so that buyers are not limited in Java. The hope is that the wider the marketing area, the more benefits of MIOPI that can be felt by people with autism, “concluded Nabila. [team/siti rahma/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]