Head to ZI-WBK, FCS UB Conducts Monitoring and Evaluation

Opening of ZI Monitoring and Evaluation at FCS UB
Opening of ZI Monitoring and Evaluation at FCS UB

The Internal Assessment Team (TPI) of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) conducted an Integrity Zone – Free from Corruption (ZI-WBK) Evaluation and Field Assessment to the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) on Thursday (6/13/2024). The event was attended and opened by the dean of FCS UB, Hamamah, Ph.D., Dr. Ngesti Dwi Prasetyo, S.H., M.Hum., as the Head of TPI UB, as well as the entire ZI Team, Change Agent Team, and TP3 Team of FCS, located in the Meeting Room of FCS Building A, 6th floor.

ZI Evaluation and Assessment by TPI UB is a process of stages that must be passed in the ZI development process towards a clean area from corruption.

The event was opened with remarks from the Dean of FCS UB. Hamamah explained that FCS moves according to UB’s tagline, namely “Change Faster, Work Faster” in the head to towards ZI.

Hamamah, the Dean of FCS UB, proudly stated, “The majority of our ZI team members are education staff, all the Change Agent team is also education staff, while the TP3 team are all lecturers. This demonstrates the dedication and commitment of our team to the ZI-WBK process.”

Discussion and Q&A
Discussion and Q&A

The head of the UB TPI team gave a brief presentation on ZI and the development of ZI assessment at FCS UB over the last two years.

Dr. Ngesti, the head of the UB TPI team, shared, “The ZI program is a significant part of our journey. At UB, we have set a target of 50% of all work units. We are on track to meet the higher Education criteria by 2023. In 2024, we will establish an Integrated Service Unit at the university level and at the faculty level, marking a significant step in our ZI development process.”

The event continued with a presentation session on achievements, developments, and innovations by each area manager in the six lever areas of ZI FCS, followed by a question-and-answer session and discussion directly by TPI UB.

In the question-and-answer session, Dr. Ngesti gave a lot of input on the role of bureaucratic reform, which can develop a healthy work culture and anti-corruption, high performance, and excellent public services.

In the question-and-answer session, Dr. Ngesti gave a lot of input on the role of bureaucratic reform, which can develop a healthy work culture and anti-corruption, high performance, and excellent public services.

After the question-and-answer session by each assessment team, the readiness of FCS in the development of ZI towards WBK was verified. In the field verification, it was evident that FCS UB is fully prepared with a complete SOP in each service unit. Informative standing banners related to gratification control are prominently displayed in the FCS UB service unit. This reassures us of FCS UB’s readiness and commitment to the ZI-WBK development process. After a series of events carried out by the TPI Team, the Evaluation and Assessment Activity was declared complete. [dts]