The Commissioner of Indonesian Central Information Commission visited Brawijaya University (UB) in the context of a monitoring and evaluation visitation on Public Information Openness (KIP) in 2023. The visitation which took place on Wednesday (6/12) at the Rectorate building was held in the context of conducting inspections and assistance in the campus environment, starting from examining documents related to public information disclosure, discussions with academics to visits several faculties. As one of the best state universities in terms of KIP 2023, UB also continues to receive direction from the commissioner to continue to improve information services that can be accessed via digital platforms, both through the official website, social media and supporting application innovations.
Deputy Commission of Central Information, Dr. H. Arya Sandhiyudha, S.Sos, M.Sc said that academics have an important role in building good governance, the contribution of universities in providing active and transparent disclosure of information and services will be able to provide public confidence in the existence of state institutions, especially for the image of universities and world of education. “If UB has received a visitation, it means that this campus already has the title of one of the best not only among universities but also public bodies in Indonesia. In KIP assessment itself there are categories of ministries, state institutions and universities,” he said.
He added that this visitation also ensures whether UB really deserves to be the best among higher educations and public bodies or not. Where the best title will be assessed from all aspects of public information disclosure, starting from self-assessments, questionnaires to presentations that refer to innovation, strategy and commitment of work units in implementing public information service standards. Passing the presentation stage is already the best indicator among the good ones, next is test it in front of a team of judges. In addition, visitation is also a step towards the ranking stage, there are several categories that will be announced, namely informative, towards informative, quite informative, less informative and not informative.
UB Rector, Prof. Widodo, S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D, Med.Sc hopes that what UB obtains can become a model for other institutions, how primary sources of information can become a reference for the wider community through presenting quality information to the public. Information openness has a variety of quite large impacts, both in terms of campus governance and academic quality, and can even be used for research development and journal publication. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]