In order to encourage the improvement of student achievement, academic ability, insight and love of students towards the field of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MIPA) to improve the quality of higher education, the National Achievement Center (PUSPRESNAS) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology held a National Olympiad in the field of Mathematics and Science for Higher Education (ONMIPA-PT). This activity is a part of various annual competitions which are manifested in student achievements and become input for quality improvement, especially in the Mathematics and Natural Sciences field. In addition, ONMIPA competition is also a means of promotion in increasing the attractiveness of the field of study, subjects or courses in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology in the community. During the implementation (28-29/7), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has been appointed as the host in the implementation of ONMIPA 2022 at the regional level.
The mechanism of ONMIPA selection is carried out in three stages, the first is the selection at the university level by selecting the five best representatives to enter the competition selection stage II or at the regional level. While the participants who will be invited to take part in the national level (phase III) are a maximum of 65 people who are selected from the selection phase II for each field. The 2022 ONMIPA activity has been attended by 3854 participants from all universities in Indonesia, participants who pass the regional selection will later participate in the national level on 19-25 September. National level selection participants will receive a certificate from the Head of the National Achievement Center, while medal winners will receive prizes in the form of coaching funds. Specifically, medal winners in mathematics will be re-selected to take part in the 2022 International Mathematics Competition (IMC) in Bulgaria. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]