Minister of Investment Provides Scholarships and Working Capital to UB New Students

The Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board Bahlil Lahadalia gives scholarships and working capital to New Students of Universitas Brawijaya (Maba UB). Scholarships were given by Bahlil while filling in the Introduction to New Student Campus Life (PK2MABA) activity, Monday (14/8/2023).

The scholarship was given to Ferdian, a student from Lamongan, whose parents both died. The scholarship was given to Ferdian while he was studying at UB, and later he will continue his work contract with Bahlil company. Samuel from the Faculty of Law (FH) who came from Ambon also received a scholarship. In addition, Bahlil also offered working capital of IDR 50 million and a personal scholarship to Andre, a student with disabilities from the Faculty of Computer Science who was born in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The capital was used to start a business in the application field that he dreamed of

In addition to providing scholarships, Bahlil also delivered material on “Leadership”.

In front of more than fifteen thousand new students, Bahlil said that all students present at UB should be grateful because they can be accepted at one of the biggest universities in Indonesia.

Photo of Minister Bahlil with Samuel

It’s not easy to be accepted at UB, especially students who come from the regions. This is because students from the regions have to struggle to compete with students from big cities who have better backgrounds in terms of life, environment and economy.

After being accepted, students should make the best use of this opportunity to develop themselves. A student must be different from students at the level below.

Bahlik said various materials and theories from lecturers in class, only thirty percent of the rest had to be found by students outside the classroom. One of the most important is the spirit of leadership. This leadership is the most important part that will be able to make someone different from the others.

“The material and theory from the lecturers in the class is only thirty percent, the rest you have to look for outside to develop yourself. One way is through organizations on campus. The most important thing is to learn the spirit of leadership. Leadership is a knowledge possessed by students on the basis of a leadership learning process and that is obtained from an organization. A good Grade Point Average (GPA) is not a guarantee if it is not accompanied by good leadership,” said Bahlil.

He added that when I entered college, the first thing he looked for was to get into an organization. Then he joined one of the organizations, namely HMI. There I learned a lot about what leadership is or leadership. My GPA is less than three, but thank God I have many employees with GPA above three.

“Based on this experience, that’s why I advise you not only to get a good GPA or grades, but also to continue to study and gain leadership from various good organizations on campus,” said the minister from Papua. (PON/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)

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