Approaching the XVII MTQ UB Event

Coordination of the 2024 MTQ UB committee

Universitas Brawijaya is again holding a prestigious event at university level in the field of Islamic and Quranic arts. This event is Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur’an Universitas Brawijaya which is in its 17th year. MTQ UB plans to be held openly for Universitas Brawijaya’ students starting Thursday, May 30 2024, marked by an opening ceremony until a closing ceremony on Sunday, June 2 2024.

“The MTQ UB event is an annual competition at Universitas Brawijaya which aims to identify and develop student talent in Islamic and Quranic arts,” said Zuliman as Chief Executive of the 2024 MTQ UB XVII, Tuesday (28/5/2024). This is the initial stage to prepare them to become part of UB’s best caravan, which will then compete in national level events such as the National Student MTQ.

This MTQ UB carries the theme “Revitalizing Qur’anic Character in Brawijaya’s Golden Generation in Achieving Achievement” with a total of 10 competition fields and will be attended by 303 participants from all universities.

Preparations for the MTQ UB implementation have been going smoothly where a Coordination Meeting with the Rectorate was held on Tuesday, 28 May 2024 at the Rectorate Building, 6th Floor. This meeting was attended by 40 committee members and the rectorate staff from 09.00 – 11.00 WIB. The rectorate levels who attended the meeting were Dr. Sujarwo, SP., MP. (Director of the Directorate of Student Affairs, Alumni and Student Entrepreneurship at UB), Ilhamuddin Nukman, S.Psi, M.A. (coordinator of MTQ UB XVII 2024), and several student affairs staff.

Alhamdulillah, based on readiness reports from fellow students, InshaAllah, UB is ready to facilitate and support the implementation of this event,” said the Coordinator of MTQ UB XVII 2024.

Meanwhile, Sujarwo hopes that the MTQ UB XVII event can maintain the solemnity and istiqomah in broadcasting da’wah in the campus environment.

“Hopefully the implementation of this year’s MTQ UB can maintain the continuity of last year’s MTQMN implementation and become a field of da’wah for Universitas Brawijaya’s students,” he hoped.[dea/sitirahma/ UB PR/Trans. Iir]