Knowing Closer of FILKOM Contingents Who Won the 2023 GEMASTIK XVI

The GEMASTIK XVI event (National Student Performance for Information and Communication Technology) has finished with ITS (Ten November Institute of Technology) emerging as the overall champion. However, the Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University (FILKOM UB) is quite proud because 2 (two) teams dominate in 4 Division in the User Experience Design category. Two teams guided by Ir. Retno Indah Rokhmawati, S.Pd., M.Pd. managed to get 1st place and 3rd place, where 1st place was won by BCC Eras Tour and 3rd place was won by Semesta.

The BCC Eras Tour team consisting of students from the 2021 Information Systems Study Program, namely Aditya Nugraha Tarihoran (1); Nadila Zahro Aisyah (2); and Izzar Dienhaque Pranataputra (3) brought up Gemilang’s work, namely the application of preventing stunting in children in semi-urban areas. Gemilang focuses on 3 main problems, namely literacy, accessibility and early detection.

“We are raising the topic of stunting, where stunting is one of the important issues that is the main focus of Indonesian government,” explained the representative of the BCC Eras Tour team.

BCC Eras Tour won 1st place in Division IV in the User Experience Design category.

In addition, they said that their interest in UI/UX was the basis for participating in prestigious student events in the computer field. Beside increasing the experience of taking part in big competitions, this activity is also useful for gaining various connections ranging from lecturers, rankings and outstanding alumni as well as several participants in GEMASTIK XVI event.

“There are no obstacles while we are competing, it is more to the challenge in completing the competition, starting from the process of finding problems that have high urgency to presenting solutions by considering aspects of user comfort in using the solution which we deliver in the form of “prototype version of the application,” he added.

Furthermore, the Semesta team which won 3rd place also consisted of students from the 2021 Information Systems Study Program, namely Putu Ayu Anandagiri Chintya Kirana (1); Odilia Ning Intan Restu Hapsari (2); and Ferdiansah Dwika Permana (3) who owns the work EmergeX, namely the Emergency Patient Management application.

Semest Team succeeded in getting 3rd place.

“The EmergeX application aims to help accelerate emergency treatment by connecting directly between patients, ambulance service centers and hospitals, so that patients can immediately receive medical treatment,” explained Putu Ayu.

Furthermore, Ayu also explained that her team took part in this GEMASTIK event because it was a very prestigious competition in the ICT field and wanted to try to develop a product that had the potential to be developed for real in the community. she also provided some motivation to FILKOM students, who had to dare to get out of their comfort zone to gain valuable experience.

“Don’t be afraid to try new things because remember that youth only lasts once in a lifetime, so increase your experiences to improve your quality. “It is through competition that we can exchange ideas, experiences, and even build circles that can make ourselves grow.” she said.

It should be known in advance that this year, GEMASTIK will be participated by 315 universities in Indonesia with a total of 2,781 teams from 11 competition divisions. After going through the preliminary round, 221 finalist teams from 70 universities were selected. Apart from that, there are around 33 judges for the competition. The achievements obtained by FILKOM contingent placed Brawijaya University in the top 5 overall champions of the 2023 GEMASTIK XVI.[drn/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]