The Eid al-Fitr celebration is the happiest moment for Muslims all over the world, including academic elements in higher education, especially Brawijaya University (UB). After a full month of commitment to carrying out the obligation of fasting and teaching and learning activities on campus, various meanings and lessons have been felt as a commitment to carrying out duties in the middle of the month of Ramadan. Of course, with the spirit of family, building ties between UB academic community, this atmosphere of togetherness was presented through halal bihalal activities for UB big family, on Tuesday (16/4) in the Samantha Krida building.
In this activity, Prof. Widodo S.Si, M.Si, Ph.D, Med.Sc as the Rector of UB expressed his gratitude to all UB residents who have continued to work together to build Brawijaya campus until now. Where developing the image of higher education requires harmony in carrying out each of the tasks, synergizing with each other, working as part of an individual to an organization in a consistently sustainable manner. So, it is not complete if someone carries out their obligations without a sense of kinship. Eid al-Fitr is a momentum in moving noble culture which is continuously present in the diversity of Indonesian culture. Sow a feeling of forgiveness and forgiving, return to being a clean person, reduce all heart ailments and expand compassion. “By instilling a sense of family among the academic community, we should be able to create good productivity to support creativity and competence at UB,” he said.
By carrying the theme “Sower Forgiveness, Purify the Heart in the Beauty of Togetherness”, UB academics are expected to become individuals who continue to carry out integrity and uphold brotherhood, both to campus residents, alumni and retirees who have made their best contribution to UB’s image. Of course, it is hoped that this atmosphere can be maintained for the wider community through tridharma activities. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]