Collaborating The Students Activity Unit Online For RAJA Brawijaya

The Almamater Exploration Event Series (RAJA) Brawijaya 2020 was wrapped in a different concept and system. The entire series of events including the PKKMB will be held online in order to implement health protocols in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Interestingly, in the implementation of campus introduction activity this year, the limited distance was not an obstacle to continue presenting the mega collaboration performances of the Student Activity Unit. All video shooting from various UKM such as Student Choir, Home Band Activity Unit, Unitantri, Kutub Theatre, Formapi to Study Center and Disability Service (PSLD) are also carried out independently at each member’s house. This is an appeal to new students to join the ‘dirumah saja’ campaign or stay at home.

One of them is the involvement of the Student Choir Unit Universitas Brawijaya or better known as PSM. The PSM performance this time will bring RAJA Brawijaya Jingle as well as a song titled Manusia Kuat by Tulus. There were 30 PSM members who then contributed maximally in presenting the best arrangements for the two performances.

Of course, the pandemic situation which requires PSM to coordinate online also becomes a challenge and experience for them. Making sheet music, sharing tones among members, even the audio mixing process, requires several revisions that are not easy. However, with all the limitations, UKM PSM still exerts all their efforts in order to be able to present the best appearance in the mega collaboration of UKM RAJA Brawijaya 2020.

Not just an appearance, through this song UKM PSM also wants to motivate new students to stay enthusiastic and continue to survive for whatever has happened throughout 2020. Through Anca, the General Chairperson of the PSM 2020, UKM PSM conveyed the importance of human self-awareness since no matter how small it is, actions taken will inevitably have a real effect on the world.

“We are strong humans who have survived this far, so we can also survive until later,” said Anca. (VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)

 See also

Prof. Dr. Ir. Qomariyatus Sholihah, Amd.Hyp, ST., M.Kes., IPU., ASEAN Eng.