Former Millennial Aide of Ridwan Kamil Graduated with a GPA of 3.93

Photo of Atla (left) with Ridwan Kamil

Former Millennial Aide to West Java Governor, Ridwan Kamil in 2022, Atla Tegar Habib Amrullah graduated with honors

Atla, who is a student originally from Wonogiri, Central Java, was able to complete his college in three years with an almost perfect GPA (3.93).

He said that many activities he did gave him a lot of knowledge in non-academic fields. For example, when he had experience as a millennial aide to the governor of West Java and participated in the International Summit to help implement the G20 Presidency Indonesia for Parliament 20 in the House of Representative of the Republic of Indonesia

“Among the achievements I have received, the most impressive is being a Millennial Aide to the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil. I can learn about managing and leading bureaucracy, overcoming regional problems and learning leadership with a national figure, namely Mr. Ridwan Kamil,” he said.

The large number of non-academic activities does not dampen his enthusiasm for carrying out academic responsibilities seriously.

Alhamdulillah, I managed to get a GPA of 4.00 3 times in 3 semesters in a row,” he said.

According to him, the key to his success so far has been to create a big timeline in academic life that starts from semester to graduation.

“For example, semesters 1-3: Lectures, Organizations, Competitions

Semester 4-5: Lectures, Organizations, Competitions, Internships; “semester 6-7: Study and continue focusing on the thesis so that I can graduate on time,” he said.

And to divide the time by making a master plan from semester 1-7, then dividing the priority scale for each semester with commitment and consistency in carrying out what has been planned.

“Every month/week, make a detailed activity schedule for organizational activities, academics, competitions or internships during holidays,” said the President of MSIB Alumni Space.

Photo of Putri Regina

In line with Atla, Putri Regina Eka Setyorini, a graduate of the Finance and Banking Study Program, adheres to the principle that education and non-academic activities must be balanced.

“One of my principles is ‘balance is the key’. So I try to make the three run side by side, even though it is neither difficult nor easy”. she said.

She added, from an academic perspective, learning related to subjects and topics that are linear to what is being studied. In terms of non-academics, Regina participates in several organizations and committees both on and off campus.

“For non-academic activities on campus, for example, I join associations, several events under the auspices of UB Student Executive, serve on committees at international conferences, and so on. Then outside the campus, I joined an independent start-up namely Peta Careers, which aims to navigate the careers of fellow students, especially those who are still unsure about what they want to do in the future,” she said.

Apart from all of that, the most impressive, said Regina, was how she was able to manage her fear to face every challenge that existed.

“Sometimes I also doubt whether I can do it well or not, but one of the lyrics in the song called fix you from the legendary band, coldplay, says that “but if you never try, you’ll never know, just what you’re worth it,” said the achiever of 4.00 GPA

She said the more we go through various challenges, the more we know ourselves too.

Atla Tegar Habib Amrullah and Putri Regina Eka Setyorini are the best graduates from the Faculty of Law and Vocational Faculty (Finance and Banking Study Program) who will take part in the 13th graduation period on Saturday (9/2/2024) at the Samantha Krida Building, UB. (OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).