Task Executive of Maluku Governor, Zeth Sahuburua visited Brawijaya University, on Friday (09/Mar/2018). The visit was received by Vice Rector I on Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Kusmartono, MS and Dean of Faculty of Medicine Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes.
In the visit Zeth mentioned that the biggest challenge confronted by Maluku is its geographical condition in the form of islands. He admitted it becomes one of challenges in quality improvement of human resources.
“We have been trying from time to time to improve qualified human resources. Before with Brawijaya University, our youths had delegated to University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology and Padjadjaran University,” he said.
Human resources improvement in the province is closely related with its program in health services improvement. Zeth said, the provincial government targeted there is a specialist for one sub-district. Besides, two years ahead is going to be officiated a central hospital in Maluku, thus large number of specialist is necessary.
To fill in the need, The Governor task executive expected Brawijaya University can admit the regional youths who are delegated to go college there. “We remained to pay attention to quality,” said Zeth.
This offer was well received by the Vice Rector I. he mentioned, Brawijaya University already had partnership with other regions with reference to the applicable rules. Related to student acceptance, Brawijaya University is remained to pay attention to quota as well as eligibility requirements to be accepted as students.
Dean of Faculty of Medicine said that to be enrolled as a student at Specialist Program, at least for initial requirements, should fulfill grading standard for TOEFL and Academic Proficiency Test. According to her, these grading are at least should be fulfilled so as the students are able to follow the next academic demands.
In addition, she delivered, the faculty cannot add quota as they please, because it is bound by each collegium’s rules. The rules of Collegium states that 1 supervisor is permitted only to supervise 3 specialists. If the rule is not fulfilled then will affect into its accreditation.
In addition, in related to specialist needs for a hospital that is going to be established, she delivered that it can use WKDS (Specialist’s mandatory work) program. WKDS is a program from Ministry of Health. Brawijaya University’s area are including East Java, East Nusa Tenggara and Papua. [siti rahma/Humas UB/trans. Denok]