UB Student Received PMDSU Scholarship, Completed His Doctoral Degree at the Age of 26

Protein has an important role for the human body, especially for people with diabetes mellitus. Proteins serve as carriers of food and medicine sources. However, what if this protein is damaged, thereby destabilizing the protein? This is what Syahputra Wibowo, a student of the Doctoral Program, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya investigated.

“I researched the use of astaxanthin bioinorganic compounds that have been complexed with transition metal ions Cu2+ and Zn2+ to maintain the stability of glycated albumin protein in people with diabetes mellitus,” he said. His research during his doctoral studies was guided by Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, S.U., D.Sc, co-promoter Dr. Sri Widyarti, M.Si and co-promoter Akhmad Sabarudin, S.Si., M.Sc., Dr.Sc.

The result, according to the man who is familiarly called Putra, is that the compound is able to maintain the secondary structure of the glycated albumin protein. “This protein is a marker in people with diabetes mellitus so that the transporter and scavenger process of albumin protein which is the most abundant protein in the blood can run like normal people in general,” he added.

Syahputra Wibowo is one of the recipients of a Masters Education scholarship to a Doctorate for Superior Bachelor, from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. This alumnus of Biology major in 2013 has successfully completed 3.5 years of undergraduate education. “PMDSU is a master-to-doctoral scholarship for excellent undergraduates, so I completed a one-year master program and a three-year doctoral program”, he explained.

He also received an International Publication Quality Improvement scholarship for doctoral students to gain international recognition. Through this scholarship, Putra has the opportunity to do joint research with various universities in the world. “The host university in Italy where my research is based is the Universita Degli Studi in Siena, under the guidance of Prof. Rebecca Pogni, P.hD, Jessica Costa, P.hD and Maria Camilla Baratto, P.hD.. The university is one of the oldest universities in Europe, which was built in 1240 and has spawned many great world figures,” he explained.

The response of Italian researchers, according to Putra, was very positive. “A few months there made me feel very comfortable because everyone was very welcome,” added Putra. He also co-collaborates with Hiroshima University, Japan under the guidance of Prof. Koichi Matsuo. “I am grateful to have been given the opportunity by DIKTI with PMDSU scholarships in my master to doctoral studies at Universitas Brawijaya, and also a very valuable opportunity for this PKPI scholarship so that I can contribute to Universitas Brawijaya in the international research arena,” he explained. The results of this joint research have been successfully published in the journal Q1 Scopus with an H-Index of 195 and an Impact Factor of 5,924. He himself will complete his doctoral studies in July 2022 at the age of 26 years. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]