UB Students Participated in PEMIRA 2021 Online

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Student Selection (PEMIRA) to elect the Student Representative Council (DPM) and Student Executive (EM) for the period 2021-2022 was held again. Pemira UB 2021 was officially held on Wednesday (17/3/201). The announcement of the results of Pemira 2021 is broadcasted live through UB Student Affairs YouTube channel.

Even though it was carried out in the midst of a pandemic situation and online learning, it did not reduce the enthusiasm of students to use their right to elect campus representatives.

The voting system is carried out using E-Vote application, which is a method of voting using an electronic system that includes the voting process and vote counting.

The Chief Executive of Pemira 2021, Ismatul Khasanah, in his remarks expressed his gratitude to the entire committee and all parties who have helped the success and smoothness of Pemira 2021.

“Pemira 2021 runs smoothly and successfully because of the hard work of all committees from various elements. Hopefully in the following years, Pemira UB will run successfully, smoothly, peacefully, there are no things that cause discomfort in UB, “she said.

After a short speech from Isma, the event was continued with the opening of the DPM ballot box for each faculty as well as the President and Vice President of EM 2021. As a result, the candidate pair number one, Mohammad Alie Yafie and Juwita Wulandari as President and Vice President of EM UB 2021 was elected. This pair have succeed from the second order by obtaining 10,326 votes or 50.96% of the total votes.

Meanwhile, the pair number two, Andre Dwi Prasaja and Wafi Rohadatul Aisy received 7,411 votes (36.58%) of votes. (VIK / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)