Another brilliant achievement was achieved by Universitas Brawijaya’s students. This time, 5 of 11 students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences managed to bring home medals from the National Mathematics and Natural Sciences Olympiad.
The competition, which was held on Sunday-Friday (12-17/5) at Hasanuddin University, examined students’ abilities in the fields of mathematics and natural sciences. UB’s delegation in this competition consists of Ahmad Muwaffiq Faza, Briliyan Natalina Sudarjayanti, M. Nizam Zulfi Zakaria, Mohammad Ihsan Syamsuddin, Dewan Java Turis R., Muhammad ‘Ainurriza Al Kahfi, Muhammad Syaifuddin Fuad, William Surya Putra, Rahmatillah Nugraha, Syafiq Aufa Rahman and Tegar Suryo Negoro. These students competed with more than 200 participants from 89 universities in Indonesia.
According to Ainnurriza, preparations have started at university level. “The selection process starts at the university level, then regular coaching is carried out in each field up to regional level selection. At this stage, UB can finally send 11 people to the national level,” he explained via short message.

Achievements achieved by UB delegation in this competition include a Silver Medal in Physics won by Muhammad ‘Ainurriza Al Kahfi, a Bronze Medal in Mathematics won by William Surya Putra, Honorable Mention in Physics by Muhammad Syaifuddin Fuad, Honorable Mention in Biology by M . Nizam Zulfi Zakaria and Honorable Mention in the Field of Chemistry by Rahmatillah Nugraha.
After ONMIPA, said Ainurriza, in the field of mathematics there will be further competitions. “After this, there was a selection of Indonesian delegates for the international mathematics competition,” concluded this Physics department student.
The ONMIPA competition is a routine agenda for the National Achievement Center to capture student talent in the academic field, especially in mathematics and science. (VQ/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir)