UB Students Achieve Winner in the 7th RI Attorney General NMCC Cup

UB Delegation Cup in the 7th NMCC RI Attorney General Cup

Universitas Brawijaya students again bring achievements. This time it came from a group of students from the Faculty of Law who won the 7th RI Attorney General’s Cup, in the National Moot Court Competition. This activity was organized by the Faculty of Law, Pancasila University on Thursday (26/1/2023).

In this event, te UB delegation won several trophies at once, namely the 1st Winner of 7th NMCC Attorney General Cup RI, Best Panel of Judges, Best Public Prosecutor, Best Legal Counsel, Best Expert and Best Registrar. This team consists of Gladysta Viola Serafim (Head of Delegation), Dian Margaret Manik, Apriandi Sirait, Riezka Gratia Yolanda Hutapea, Berliana Sinaga, Alfred Nathanael Munthe, Angela Sinta Tatiana Prajasto, Samuel Wibowo, Syahrul Aliefi Hidayat, Ardhan Dwi Arviansyach, Arden Satria Aryasatya , Maria Angelita S, Pratista Revina Hastati, Jose Timothy Tanonggi, Nabilah Hanifatuzzakiyah and Refvaldo, and accompanied by Kadek Putra Sanjaya and Vincent Rony Chia as officials.

The preparation carried out by the team was quite long. “We prepare for 5-6 months, starting from research and position case analysis, followed by the stage of making case files for investigation and trial, and continuing with trial practice,” explained Alif. In this competition, Alif added, the participants were tested for their ability to put into practice the knowledge they had acquired, from the stage of making case files to trial.

“For the assessment, what is seen is the completeness and suitability of the case files and trial simulation with the procedural law in force in Indonesia. Later, each delegation will send case files to be assessed for completeness and suitability by practitioners and academics. Furthermore, each delegation will present a trial simulation to be seen and assessed by a jury of practitioners, such as judges, prosecutors and lawyers, as well as academics in terms of formal suitability, material and creativity brought by each delegation,” he said.

The NMCC Indonesian Attorney General Cup is a Moot Court competition organized by the Law Faculty of Pancasila University and affiliated with the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia. This activity was attended by 16 universities from all over Indonesia to compete for the Attorney General’s Rotating Trophy.

The theme raised this year is “Creating a Golden Generation of Anti-Moral Hazard and Fraud in Efforts to Eradicate National and Global Corruption Crimes.” “Through this competition, law students test their ability to put into practice the knowledge they have gained from college, from the stage of making case files to the trial stage,” he concluded. (VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)