In order to commemorate the 67th anniversary of PT Pertamina (Persero), Taji Village witnessed the green spirit that radiated through Aksi Sobat Bumi Volume #2 on Saturday (12/21/2024). Initiated by the Pertamina Foundation (PF) together with Universitas Brawijaya, this activity involved 20 volunteers and PF Scholars Batch 11 scholarship recipients from Universitas Brawijaya. They are Yasmin Agustina Prabawati (Vocational/2022), Safira Arnetta Cahya S (Faculty of Cultural Studies/2023), Yoga Ramadhani (Social and Political Sciences/2023), Muhammad Harist (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/2022), Gyan Permata Aulia (Faculty of Agricultural Technology/2022), Iffah Nur Kharisma (Faculty of Economics/2021), Sherina Yosephine Angelica (Faculty of Communication/2022), Carissa Ephifany (Faculty of Social and Political Sciences/2022), Arum Nur Asiah (Faculty of Health Science/2022), Restu Hilal Maulana (Faculty of Economics/2022), Bachren Azra Saputra (Faculty of Dentistry/2022), Nur Sulthon Mahmudi (Faculty of Economics/2022), Rayhan Egar Sadtya Nugraha (Faculty of Communication/2022), and Alvaro Zhafran Prananta (Faculty of Economics/2023). In addition, this activity was also attended by PF Scholars Batch 10 scholarship recipients, including Dio Pratama Putra Maruty (Faculty of Law/2022) who currently serves as an advisor to PF Scholars Batch 11, and collaborated with IEEE Universitas Brawijaya and KKN UIN Malang students. This activity was guided directly by the PF Scholars Batch 11 mentor, Prof. Dr. Eng. Ir. Denny Widhiyanuriyawan, ST., MT., IPM.
This action was also supported by the Directorate of Student Affairs, Universitas Brawijaya, as a form of commitment to encouraging the development of student character through environmental and sustainability activities.
Participation from local residents also contributed to the success of the planting of 120 Angsana trees which created togetherness to support environmental sustainability. With the theme “Sustainable Energy, My Beautiful Village,” this action is a real step in environmental preservation and supports the sustainability of the water supply in Taji Village, Jabung District, Malang Regency.

A total of dozens of Angsana tree seedlings were successfully planted in strategically selected locations, considering soil fertility, as well as the ecological needs of the area.
The success of this action cannot be separated from the dedication of the residents and volunteers. Safira, the project officer of Aksi Sobat Bumi, appreciated the hard work of all parties involved. “Thank you to the volunteers and residents who have devoted their energy and time to planting 120 Angsana trees. Hopefully, this tree planting will not only preserve the environment, but also provide long-term benefits, especially to the surrounding nature and the people of Taji Village,” she said.
Guna, one of the volunteers, also shared his experience. “Feel happy to be part of Aksi Sobat Bumi Pertamina Foundation, and thank you to all parties involved, both the committee and fellow volunteers, for the togetherness and extraordinary dedication. May this spirit of goodness continue and inspire many people.”
Tita, another volunteer, also expressed her impressions and motivation after participating in Aksi Sobat Bumi. “Aksi Sobat Bumi was so much fun!! In addition to caring for the environment and supporting sustainability, it also gave me awareness and meaningful experience since I met new friends with different backgrounds and motivated me to do good things and upgrade myself. Thank you so much PFS UB.”
This activity also supports the sustainability of the Hydraulic Ram Pump, an environmentally friendly technology used for water distribution in Umbut Legi Hamlet. With a fairly steep topography and stable water needs, the presence of Angsana trees is expected to strengthen the stability of water sources and reduce the risk of drought.

Aksi Sobat Bumi Volume #2 is not just a tree planting program, but also a commitment to preserving the environment for a better future. Through the spirit of collaboration, Taji Village is now become a symbol of a green, beautiful and sustainable village.
“Hopefully the trees we plant today will grow well and provide benefits for nature and the people of Taji Village. Let’s make this activity as the beginning of a bigger change for the environment and future generations,” concluded Iffah.
Together, we can keep the earth green and full of life. Because every tree we plant is a form of hope for a better future.
The Angsana tree (Pterocarpus indicus) has an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem. This plant is not only able to absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen, but also improves air quality, prevents erosion, and beautifies the environment. The Angsana tree is also a habitat for wild animals and has economic value through its high-quality wood.
“Planting these trees is a small step with a big impact. Not only is it beneficial for the environment, but it also has social and economic value for the local community,” said Iffah Nur Kharisma, Aksi Sobat Bumi event coordinator. In an educational session for volunteers and residents, Iffah also emphasized the importance of this collaboration to maintain sustainable energy that will impact future generations. [arum/sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]