The Master of Communication Science, Universitas Brawijaya held a 3in1 Workshop entitled “Quantitative Research Methodology,” Wednesday-Thursday (28-30/8/2024). The main speaker was a guest lecturer from Universiti Putra Malaysia, namely Dr. Mohammad Noor Salehhudin Sharipudin.
This event discussed three main topics, namely the importance of a scientific approach in research, basic elements and concepts, and the research process in the field of communication science. The workshop was attended by new students of the even semester, batch of 2023 and new students, batch of 2024.
“Research must be carried out systematically, based on data, and aimed at finding solutions or clarifying certain problems,” he said.
He emphasized the importance of determining research ideas. Sometimes a simple research idea if issued at the right time can be accepted by a reputable journal. As in his story when writing a journal related to Covid-19 at the beginning of the pandemic.
“At the beginning of Covid, I wrote a research article with a simple scheme, but it was able to enter a top journal,” he said.
He also explained that there are two types of research, namely basic research and applied research. This applied research can be used to solve practical problems that occur in society. He gave an example of his research which was part of a mentoring project for the cerebral palsy community. In addition to conducting research, he also created a long-term communication campaign for this community in order to increase public awareness of the community of children with disabilities.

The second topic discussed was the basic elements and concepts in research in the field of communication science. The speakers focused on the importance of problem statements as an important first step in describing the issues to be studied. They also outlined the role of variables such as dependent and independent variables in research. In addition, the speakers explained how theoretical frameworks and hypotheses function to describe the relationship between variables and direct the data collection process.
In the final session, the speaker discussed the research process in the field of communication science which includes steps from topic identification to reporting research results. Emphasis was given on the importance of choosing the right research method, both qualitative and quantitative to ensure valid results. The speaker also highlighted the importance of reporting research results that not only present data but also provide meaningful analysis and contributions to future research.
One of the students, Neni Puji, said that she understood quantitative research better after attending this session. “Especially on the second day, Mr. Noor came to each group’s table to explain one by one. I, who don’t really understand quantitative, was very helped,” said the student who received the LPDP (Education Fund Management Institute) scholarship.
This seminar is expected to be able to build synergy between academics and practitioners in developing research in the field of communication science that can answer the challenges of the times. With a strong understanding of research methodology, participants are expected to be able to produce research that not only contributes to the development of science but also provides practical solutions for society. [mirel/sitirahma/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]