Five cross-department students, namely Lia Anggraeni (FTP), Azra Syaura Azzafira (FTP), Ikhlas Muhammad Sabilly (FT), and Ahmad Shobri Ardiana (FT) under the guidance of Joko Prasetyo, S.TP, M.Si collaborated to design a tool to reduce calcium oxalate from porang processing waste industry called Amorpho Coagulation Tech.
Shobri, one of the team members, explained that Amorpho Coagulation Tech is a calcium oxalate reduction tool using the extraction-electrocoagulation method. Data from equipment testing results shows that Amorpho Coagulation Tech is designed with three purification stages, namely a filtration chamber, an electrocoagulation-extraction chamber, and a real-time Internet of Things integrated sensor which is proven to be able to reduce calcium oxalate by up to 82.75 percent.
In the electrocoagulation process the principle used is based on the electrolysis cell process. This electrolysis cell can convert electrical energy (direct current) which will produce an electrode reaction. In an electrolysis cell there is a pair of electrodes, namely the anode and cathode. This electrolysis process is carried out to reduce calcium oxalate in water. Then, the water enters the next chamber to go through the ozonizaation process. This ozonization process aims to sterilize water. Before the water leaves the chamber, water quality monitoring is carried out using pH, TDS and TSS sensors to determine that the water meets the standards so it can be disposed.

“Seeing from the test results, it is hoped that Amorpho Coagulation Tech can help achieve SDG’s No. 12 and can help the government in maintaining the environment for the long term,” said Shobri as mechanical coordinator.
Amorpho Coagulation Tech successfully passed the Student Creativity Program in the field of Creative Initiatives under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education in 2023.

This innovation was motivated by the rise of porang processing industry in 2019-2020 which experienced a surge in market demand in Indonesia. Porang processing waste contains calcium oxalate which is dangerous if left to be disposed of in the open environment. The accumulation of porang processing waste can increase the amount of calcium oxalate sedimentation and have an impact on soil pollution.
“This tool is designed to anticipate the impact of sedimentation from calcium oxalate,” said Shobri. (*/OKY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)