FTP UB Students Win the Asian Food Competition

Three students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya (FTP UB) Daisy, Salsabilla Zahidatu Abdillah and Dwi Uchtiyawati Rohmah, won the first place in an international standard food competition called The Seafast-Indofood Food Product Development Competition 2020.
Daisy and her friends who are members of Gincha Team won first place in the competition with the innovation of kombucha drink from fermented telang flower tea infused with ginger rhizome. This innovation makes Gincha useful as a detox drink as well as a probiotic that helps reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases (PTM) or non-communicable diseases (NCD) s.

Gincha has a phytochemical composition of tannins, flobatannin, carbohydrates, saponins, triterpenoids, phenolmfavanoids, flavanol glycosides, proteins, alkaloids, anthraquinones, antisianin, stigmatic 4-ene-3,6 dion, volatile oil and telang flower steroids so that they have many health benefits such as antiparasitic and able to act as an insecticide, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antioxidant, hypolydemic ability, diuretic ability and anti urolithiasis, immonomodulatory ability, and ability as an antimicrobial.
“Thank God, our work was chosen as the best. Even though there is a lot of drama that we went through in the process. Moreover, the three of us come from different areas and are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic even though the implementation of research must also be done online. So, there are various romances that we went through, such as an unstable internet connection plus limited mobility due to the pandemic. Alhamdulillah, it turned out to be the best. It feels so worth of the struggle yesterday. Maybe the jury judged our work as the best because our market analysis was the most accurate among other participants, “explained Daisy.
The Food Product Development Competition is an annual product development competition. This year’s theme “Indigenous Healthy Food and Beverages for Promoting the Uniqueness and Richness of Asia” aims to produce innovative products by raising local potential and commercially competitive traditional Asian food. The Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center of Bogor Agricultural University was held in collaboration with PATPI and PT. Indofood with two categories of food and beverage. Gincha – FTP UB itself managed to come out as the first winner in the beverage category by beating out hundreds of participants from all over Asia and 10 other finalist teams. Not only Gincha fronted by Daisy and her friends, there is also Eirene Charista Dea who is also a student of FTP UB who won 1st place in the e-poster category. (dse / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)