FT Student is Studying Business at Boston

One form of UB’s support for Independent Campus program is the large number of participants in each activity, including Indonesia International Student Mobility Award, or IISMA. In this program, there were more than 100 student participants, both at domestic and abroad.

One of them is Aryadiepa Sikken, a student of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering. In this activity, Arya had the opportunity to become a student at the University of Boston, United States of America. For 1 semester, he studied Management and Business.

“I chose Boston because it is one of the most international student cities in the world. This campus is also one of the world’s leading campuses,” he said.

He also had the opportunity to meet many students from various backgrounds. “One of them is about how to attend lectures that prioritize literacy and give opinion in the class. Students also have the opportunity to learn various sciences and do not always depend on the material taught by the lecturers,” he explained via email.

Before leaving, Arya had been provided with various information such as processing on immigration documents, habits, culture, weather and others, so that he is easy to adapt. “I also obtained various kinds of soft skills during my study here. Besides that, I also feel more proud to be an Indonesian, where I am increasingly aware of the cultural richness that exists in Indonesia,” he said.

Upon his return from Boston, he aspires to share his experiences with his fellow students. [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]