A total of ten students from the Forestry study program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya taught Pancasila values to 30 students of SMAN 2 Malang who are Adiwiyata organizers to increase awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and instilling Pancasila values in Adiwiyata program, as well as strengthening the character of students who care about the environment and love their country.
Activities in the context of Pancasila course project were carried out by providing an explanation of the relationship between Pancasila in carrying out environmental care programs through Adiwiyata. This is a good start by being appreciative to the students since only a few of them who care and are willing to carry it out.
Ocha, a student said that Adiwiyata in high school is carried out by caring for plants, sorting waste from the canteen, and composting.
In the activity, students explained that Adiwiyata is a means of conservationist character education among students. This is also in line with the policy of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 53 of 2019 concerning the Environmental Care and Culture Movement in Schools which changes the behavior of school residents to love and respect the environment through a sustainable culture.
Teaching activities are carried out through a pre-test scheme, providing materials, post-tests, and recommendations from student discussions.
Initially, the pre-test results showed that students’ understanding of the environment with Pancasila was 89%, then after being given an understanding and explanation, the students got a post-test result of 96%.
Furthermore, students were given space to discuss and state recommendations for activities that support Adiwiyata such as Green Festivals, Waste Banks, Biopores, Collaboration of Sispala and Adiwiyata, Processing of cleaning wastewater, No backpack day, to environmentally friendly solar panels as alternative electricity.
This provides a clear picture of students’ awareness and involvement in environmental conservation efforts, and is able to show that they do not only understand theory and coercion. However, they were able to formulate practical solutions that can be applied in everyday life.
Student representative, Atiek Kurnia said that the Pancasila course project has provided valuable experience in understanding the implementation of Pancasila values through the Adiwiyata program at SMAN 2 Malang.
“We learned that protecting the environment is not only an individual responsibility, but also a real manifestation of the practice of the Pancasila principles. Hopefully this activity can be useful and can open the minds of students to create environmentally friendly and sustainable schools”. (*/UB PR/ Trans. Iir).