FILKOM Students Win 1st Place at the 4C NC 2024

1st Place in Information and Communication Technology Business Competition Category

Students of the Faculty of Computer Science, Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) have again recorded achievements in the 4 Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creativity, and Communication (4C) National Competition 2024, a national-scale competition organized by FILKOM UB since 2020. This year’s 4C carries the theme Information Technology for Improving Public Services and Digital Literacy Towards the Golden Indonesia 2045 held on Friday and Saturday (15/11-16/11/2024). In 2024, the Hukara application consisting of Zulfiana Aulia Syafa, Nabila Nafilia Dyanti, Noory Azyza and Richard won first place in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) business competition category. The Hukara application is a digital solution that integrates legal and government services. With features such as Reveal Facts to verify information and AI Chatbot to improve legal literacy, Hukara makes it easier for people to get access to advocates and legal aid, making it the best solution to combat hoaxes and promote legal literacy in a practical way.

The supervisor, Intan Sartika Eris Maghfiroh, S.E., M.B.A., expressed her appreciation and pride in winning first place. The mentoring process begins with students submitting business ideas and discussing with their supervisors the risks in implementing the business and the financial projections of this business model. Offline and online mentoring is carried out to ensure that the business proposals designed as feasible.

“Hopefully Zulfi, Nabila, Noor and Richard will make this as a motivation to continue to excel in the future and be an inspiration for other FILKOM students to excel,” Intan hoped.

2nd Place in the Creative Video Competition, and 3rd Place in the Photography Competition.

Meanwhile, BUTEK Production won 2nd place in the Creative Video Competition, and BUTEK Studio successfully won 3rd place in the Photography Competition. This achievement is quite special since two competition fields were won by one team with the same member formation. Consisting of four students, Luthfiyya Ayu Noor Chandra (PTI ’23), Fahri Nuril Fikri (TIF ’23), Lucky Ardiansyah (TI (FV UB) 23), and Abdul Hanif Iskandar (TEKKOM ’22). Under the guidance of Hanifah Muslimah Az-Zahra, S.Sn., M.Ds., for the creative video field and Aryo Pinandito, S.T., M.MT., Ph.D., for the photography field.

BUTEK Production, through its creative video work, focuses on the emotional story of an older sibling’s sacrifice for the continuation of his younger sibling’s school during the pandemic. This story not only highlights the importance of gratitude for the sacrifices of those closest to you, but also underlines the role of information technology in supporting education in difficult times. By combining various techniques such as the use of dramatic camera angles and additional sound to deepen the characters, this video managed to attract the attention of the jury. The decision to use twins as the main characters added value that differentiated this video from the works of other participants.

BUTEK Studio created a photographic work that illustrates the importance of information technology for friends with disabilities. One of their photographic results uses an object of a lift in a campus environment which shows how technology can help create better inclusivity and accessibility. Through strong visual composition and deep thematic relevance, this photography conveys an important message about digital literacy as the foundation of inclusive academics.

1st Place in the Creative Video Category

An outstanding achievement was also achieved by the Transaksi Sukses team consisting of Alifia Lintang Istiqomah (SI ’21), Raihan Adi Prakoso (TEKKOM ’21), Arief Rachman Wicaksono (SI ’23), and Naufal Prasidha (SI ’23) who won first place in the creative video category. In this competition, they were also accompanied by a supervising lecturer, Hanifah Muslimah Az-Zahra, S.Sn., M.Ds., who also provided direction and motivation during the creative process. Their creative video entitled “Menembus Batas” (Breaking Boundaries) managed to amaze the judges with a relevant and touching theme, namely the problem of unemployment in Indonesia. This theme was raised based on data from the Ministry of Manpower in 2023, which showed that the unemployment rate for 20-24 year olds reached 6.46 million. This problem is often caused by an imbalance between the number of graduates and the number of jobs, lack of work experience, and minimal mastery of soft skills and hard skills. By leveraging technology, this video provides practical solutions that can be adopted by the community, such as utilizing government online services to find jobs or take digital training.

Ian expressed his thanks because the team members who were participating in the competition for the first time managed to show extraordinary performance.

“Lintang and I have indeed won before, but this victory feels more special because we can bring new friends to experience the competition. Hopefully in the future they can be more confident in participating in various other events,” said Ian.

Thank you to Zulfiana Aulia Syafa, Nabila Nafilia Dyanti, Noory Azyza, Richard, Luthfiyya Ayu Noor Chandra, Fahri Nuril Fikri, Lucky Ardiansyah, Abdul Hanif Iskandar, Alifia Lintang Istiqomah, Raihan Adi Prakoso, Arief Rachman Wicaksono and Naufal Prasidha for their proud achievements and bringing honor to FILKOM and Universitas Brawijaya. FILKOM FOR SOCIETY! DARE TO BE THIRTEEN! (ise/rr/iwi/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)