Team that represented the Faculty of Computer Sciences (FILKOM) with two Computer Science Program student as member won the second place on University of Brawijaya Debate Championship (UBDC) 2017 which final was being held for two days (2-3/4/2017).
They are Muh. Batara Mulya (2016) and Muh. Fauzi (2013). Batara and Fauzi’s debate team managed to knock out 14 other team from 16 different faculties in UB. Batara said that in the event participant must went through three different step of competition, first is the pre-elimination round where 16 team is divided into groups of four. Then each group must debate with topic that is decided by the committee. In the pre-elimination round each team must go through three different round.
In each round participant faced different team and topic. Topic is given on the spot, 15 minutes before the debate started. The team then divided into pro and contra side of the topic. This was decided by a draw. In a debate competition, each member of the team can deliver their argument within a 7 minute time limit. Each participant delivered their argument in an order that was already determined. The argument was delivered in English. Participant that want to deny or interrupt a talking member will be given chance to speak for 15 second if the talking member gave permission.
“Most of the themes are social problems. Some themes are popular, but there are unpopular theme as well,” Barata explained.
Eight best team from pre-elimination round then advanced to the semifinal round. Semifinal round’s rules are the same with pre-elimination round, but each team only need to go through one round of debate. On this round FILKOM team must face team of FK, FH, and FIA representatives. Four best team for the final will be chosen from the semifinal. The chosen team are team that represented FILKOM, FK, FISIP, and FT. Finally, from the one final round the winner of UBDC 2017 is determined, FISIP team on the first place, FILKOM team on the second place, and FT team for the third place. The first place winner is scheduled to participate in a similar competition on the regional level to represent UB.
Batara said he is happy for the chance to participate in the competition. He stated that by participating in this event he received many new knowledge and learn about different perspective of different people for various issues. This competition gave a positive impact for the participant, they learn to think critically with an open mind.
Batara suggested other student of UB that is interested to participate in English debate competition to join English Language Study Forum (FORMASI). By joining FORMASI student can easily receive information about English debate competition whether it is within UB’s internal community, or the external community.
“In this kind of debate they judged our reasoning and ideas. English is just a tool to deliver the idea. Focus of the scoring is the idea’s quality and result of reasoning,” Batara said. [dna/UB PR]