Master of Communication Science Tries to Get ACEJMC International Accreditation

Master of Communication Science Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is currently preparing to take part in the International Accreditation of ACEJMC (Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications).

Considering that ACEJMC is included in the international accreditation category of CHEA (the Council for Higher Education Accreditation) and is recognized for its quality by the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

Many universities outside the United States are carrying out the ACEJMC accreditation process in the 2021 visitation year, including Zayed university, Hofstra university, University of Puerto Rico, Winthrop University, Brigham Young University, American University Dubai, and Holy Angel University Philippines.

If the Master of Communication Science succeeds in obtaining ACEJMC accreditation, then UB will be the first university in Indonesia, the second in ASEAN region and the fourth in Asian region to receive this accreditation.

Master of Communication Science FISIP UB begins the step towards international accreditation through holding a workshop on preparation for ACEJMC International Accreditation on Thursday 18 November 2021 by inviting speakers from Massey University New Zealand who have experience in ACEJMC accreditation.

This workshop was guided by Maulina Pia Wulandari, P.hD, Head of the Master of Communication Science Program with Prof. Christopher Galloway and Dr. Niki Murray from Massey University New Zealand, who is Project Manager for Accreditation of ACEJMC, School of Communication, Journalism and Marketing.

The discussion of this workshop was very interesting since many questions were asked, starting from the curriculum that had to be prepared, documents, to the current social issues.

“The standards we get will be very good, including in the academic learning process, which will be widely recognized at the international level,” said Dr. Niki Murray on the benefits of ACEJMC’s international accreditation.

The accreditation application process carried out by Massey University is quite long, which is about ten years, and the accreditation process runs for three years.

Dr Niki also answered several questions regarding the accreditation process, curriculum assessment and internships attended by students. According to Niki, he agrees that the internship program can continue to be carried out to help students become professional graduates.

“While the curriculum that must be prepared, there are many documents needed, namely eight documents from various kinds of studies,” he said.

The implementation of ACEJMC preparation workshop provided an understanding of the importance of internal accreditation for workshop participants including lecturers, education staff, as well as student representatives and alumni of the Department of Communication Science. (S2 Communication Science/Humas FISIP/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)