Commemorating the 60th Anniversary, Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Tradition of Raden Wijaya’s Tracking which started from the Majapahit Royal Site in Trowulan Mojokerto and ended at UB Malang Campus (3/1-5/1/2023). This trail was followed by 25 runners namely lecturers, staff, students, alumni, and general participants. Runners are targeted to cover a distance of 107 km in a relay every 10 km and stop at predetermined posts.
Trowulan was chosen as a place of pilgrimage, solely to commemorate the famous glory of Majapahit Kingdom at the end of the XIII to XV centuries. The first king who ruled Majapahit was named Raden Wijaya. Meanwhile, the warlord and governor who was very influential at that time was named Mahapatih Gajah Mada.
Under the leadership of Raden Wijaya and his successors, the Majapahit Empire became strong and respected in its territory from the islands of Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua, even to Malaya and the Philippines.
The name Brawijaya is associated with Majapahit Kingdom. It is a combination of the words: Bhre or Bra meaning descent, and the word: Wijaya. The title Brawijaya was first used by King Dyah Kertawijaya (1447-1451) as the King of Brawijaya I. Finally the name Brawijaya was given to Universitas Brawijaya by Ir. Soekarno, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia. UB was established based on the Decree of the Minister of Higher Education and Science (PTIP) Number 1 of 1963 dated January 5, 1963, and confirmed by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 196 of 1963 dated September 23, 1963.
The following is a series of Raden Wijaya’s Tracking activities. On the first day (3/1/2023), UB Rector, Prof. Widodo, SSi., MSi., PhD.Med.Sc dispatched Raden Wijaya’s pilgrimage participants from Majapahit Site Court in Trowulan Mojokerto. 25 participants followed the trail, ran a distance of 70 km from Trowulan to Purwodadi Botanical Garden. Runners depart from Trowulan at around 11.00 WIB and are expected to arrive in Purwodadi at 23.00 WIB.
On the second day (4/1/2023), there was an Earth pointing (Tetenger Bumi) activity in the form of planting Indonesian fruit trees at Purwowdadi Botanical Garden by Prof.Dr.Ir. M. Sasmito Djati, MS (Vice Rector IV), witnessed by the participants. Then the participants took a step back and continued the relay race to Malang (UB Hospital).
On the third day (5/1/2023), the participants ran carrying UB flag, moving towards Samantha Krida UB building and handing over the flag to UB Rector as a sign of the completion of the trail. The running participants will be accompanied by Reyog UB to Samantha Krida to take part in the Open Meeting of Universitas Brawijaya in the framework of the 60th Anniversary or Lustrum XII. (Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)