Graduating Cum Laude, Frida Mu’is Alfajri is Accepted to Work at the Largest E- Commerse Company in Indonesia  


Frida Mu’is Alfajri

Frida Mu’is Alfajri, a graduate of Brawijaya University (UB) who graduated on Saturday (30/09/2023), did not expect to be the best graduate from the Faculty of Law, with a GPA of 3.97. He has even been accepted into one of the largest E-Commerce companies in Indonesia as an Operations Analyst.

“Before graduating, I took the opportunity to apply for a job at an E-Commerce company by submitting via the company’s official website. Then I was invited to take part in the psychological test selection stages, interviews with HR, and interviews with users, until I finally received an offer letter to join the company,” explained the man who is familiarly called Frida.

Currently, Frida is preparing to take part in new staff training in October.

Frida said that this achievement cannot be separated from UB’s role which has a significant impact on the development of competencies, both academic and soft skills. Frida admitted that she could learn a lot and develop her own potential through professional teaching lecturers in their fields, as well as lecture colleagues with qualified abilities.

Frida managed to achieve cum laude honors after he successfully defended his thesis which discussed immoral crimes via social media. He took this theme based on the many cases of crime via WhatsApp social media which without public realizing it is a criminal act.

“The experience of working on my thesis was very impressive for me, because personally I felt that I was really tested in all aspects, both physically and mentally, but in the end I was able to overcome this until I finally got to the point I am at now,” said the man from Ponorogo.

Studying law has been Frida’s dream for a long time. In the future, he wants to continue to hone his abilities and skills in the legal field, either by undertaking further studies or attending advocate school.

During his studies, Frida recorded various achievements. There were, he won Ponorogo Regency Tourism Ambassador as Deputy 1 Kakang of Ponorogo Regency 2021 which was held by Ponorogo Regency Tourism, Youth and Sports Culture Service, as well as Top 5 East Java Batik Ambassadors which was held by APBJ and Dekranasda of East Java Province. [Irene/ UB PR/ Trans. Iir]

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