LPP UB Held Workshop on the Implementation of Outcome Based Education Curriculum

Outcome-Based Education (OBE) is outcome-centered education and not just material to be completed. OBE measures learning outcomes and enables students to develop new skills that prepare them on a global level. OBE is an approach that emphasizes the continuity of the learning process in an innovative, interactive and effective way. So that later it will affect the entire educational process from curriculum design, formulation of learning objectives and achievements, educational strategies, design of learning methods, assessment procedures, and the educational ecosystem. With this background, the Educational Development Institute of Universitas Brawijaya (LPP UB) held a workshop entitled “Socialization, Dissemination, Assistance in Curriculum Implementation and Assessment of Outcome Based Education”, Tuesday (22/11).

Prof. Dr. Ing Setyawan Purnomo Sakti M.Eng as the head of LPP UB revealed that the implementation of the OBE curriculum has long been initiated and socialized to various study programs at UB, most of them have carried out the stages of developing the OBE curriculum, semester learning design (RPS) to its implementation which includes assessment and evaluation, “We hope that with the presence of this activity the lecturers up to the level of the head of the study program can take advantage of supporting applications related to the learning curriculum and can be integrated with SIADO. This application has been made by UB Information and Communication Technology Unit to make database input easier. Of course, from the use of this application system, the assessments that will be carried out later can already refer to the framework of the outcome base education concept, as well as substance uniformity in the mechanism for calculating Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK),” he said.

According to him, these stages also affect several aspects, such as (First) the importance of higher education accreditation, especially in international accreditation and independent accreditation institutions. (Second) Competence in the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) can be supported through an outcome-based education curriculum approach, how learning outcomes shape the competence of each graduate. (Third) Can accommodate the implementation of the Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM). [Humas UB/ Trans. Iir]