The Institute for Educational Development, Universitas Brawijaya (LPP UB) held a Work Meeting and Leadership Workshop Phase 2 to strengthen the capacity to manage study programs which are quite complex within Universitas Brawijaya. So far, the training at UB has had character and AA but not much on leadership. In collaboration with Erasmus, the training was held at Guest UB, 3rd floor, Tuesday (25/7/2023).
Prof. Devanto Shasta Pratomo SE, Msi, PhD as the initiator of the IHILead Erasmus Program at UB said that there were seven campuses chosen as the venue for the event including UB, Unnes, Unpad, and STiE Malang Kucecwara.
“This activity is a continuation of the first phase of training last month. Leadership training is especially held for KPS Level 1. Through this training they are expected to be able to design change projects which can later be proposed to their units through a proposal,” said Prof. Devanto.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MP, fully supports this activity.
He added that the leadership training this time was a strategic step, especially in supporting the creation of quality graduates.
The former FTP Dean also appreciated the support from the Erasmus+ consortium in organizing this training.
“This training is especially important in improving the quality of study programs in supporting learning and teaching,” he said.
This training activity was also attended by Dr. Rodrigo Rojas Martin (University of Granada, Spain) as a representative from the Erasmus+ consortium to conduct a mentoring visit related to organizing this training
This training will be followed by phase 3 (creating impact) training which is planned to be held in October 2023. [UB PR/ Trans. Iir]