The unsynchronized Brawijaya University student database system becomes the reason why Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan dan Penjaminan Mutu (Institution of Education Development and Quality Control/LP3M) held a Student Database System Workshop on Monday (3/Apr/2017) on the 4th floor of UB Common Service Building.
Head of LP3M UB Prof. Dr. Munawar, SE., DEA said that there is a problem about number of students than cannot be shown in the database. This becomes a problem when it comes to accreditation process that require number of UB students who are active, on leave, or on terminal.
Vice Rector I Prof. Dr. Ir. Kusmartono, MS also considered it as a problem that should be solved immediately. Kusmartono also said that data base synchronization will not only help in showing number of students, but this system can become a bridge between academic and finance department, because they often receive different data about students.
“Sometimes when crosschecking data of students that currently are on terminal, there are differences. According to Academic Department the student is officially on terminal, but according to finance department the student is still active. This is what we want to synchronize, so that it can validate the student’s status and it will help the student database system in this campus,” Prof. Kusmartono said.
Prof. Kusmartono added that the problem often find in the graduate level, while in the undergraduate level the condition is good.
To design student database system, LP3M cooperate with UB’s Technology and Information Unit (TIK) and Head of Academic Department in every Faculty that will become the operator who input student database in their own faculty. [Dimas/trans. Anisa/Humas UB]