Matching Fund Discusses the Innovation of Processed Lamb Meat for Food Security

Opening of the Matching Fund Workshop

Brawijaya University (UB) is starting an innovative program in collaboration with industry and government partners to address the increasing need for processed lamb in Indonesia. The 2023 Matching Fund Program, which was launched at the Industrial Engineering Building, Faculty of Engineering, UB on Friday (22/9/2023) to support the government’s efforts to secure national food security.

The first collaboration was carried out with Malang Regency government and was attended by UB officials, including Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, SE., M.Si, Ak. as Vice Rector for Research and Innovation at UB, Dean of FT UB, as well as representatives from the Malang Regency government, Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM, and other invited guests.

Chairman of the committee, Ir. Endra Yuafanedi Arifianto, ST., MT, explained that the Matching Fund program differentiates itself by implementing the Industrial Design Mini Factory (IDMF) concept in each village. They carry the concept of one village, one mini factory.

“We have a partner, PT. KTHR Indonesia in Wagir Malang which includes various stages, starting from factory design, machine assembly, production of processed lamb meat, packaging design, to product licensing and marketing,” said Endra

Three innovative processed lamb products that will be offered through this program are shredded lamb, stir-fried lamb, and lamb bone soup. The hope is that by packaging lamb in this processed form, people will have alternative food that is healthy, nutritious, and can help reduce the problem of stunting in the community.

Innovation in processed lamb meat products has an important role in supporting national food security. Through creative development, new products can be created to maximize the potential of lamb as a highly nutritious food source. This step not only provides a variety of consumption options, but also contributes to the diversification of domestic food production.

Prof. Dr. Unti Ludigdo, SE., M.Si, Ak, UB Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, in his speech also emphasized the importance of the university’s dedication to mutual progress, especially for the Greater Malang. “We are discussing together to collaborate in carrying out research and innovation in realizing the implementation of Matching Fund with industry and also local governments,” he said

Malang Regency Regional Secretary, Wahyu Hidayat, representing the Regent of Malang, expressed his gratitude for this collaboration. “With this collaboration, it is hoped that both parties can improve mutual synergy,” he said.

Dr. Ir. Wahyu Hidayat, MM. (Regional Secretary of Malang Regency) when giving a speech at the Matching Fund event

Efforts from this collaboration will bring progress in product development initiatives that are beneficial for all parties, from downstreaming to the welfare of local communities involved in the sheep meat processing industry. This Matching Fund program is expected to become a new milestone in supporting national food security. (*/WHY/UB PR/ Trans. Iir)