Workshop on the Implementation Design of Collaborative Research and the Inauguration of Field 85 UB Forest

Agroecotechnology and Forestry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya (FP UB) on Thursday (21/10/2021) held a Workshop with the title “Implementation Design of Collaborative Research and Community Service for Lecturers and Students in Natural Resources Management (Agriculture-Livestock- Forestry) in the Rural-City Area”.

The activity which was opened directly by Dr. Ir. Damanhuri, MS., Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture UB, is a follow-up to MBKM Program (Independent Learning – Independent Campus) which is held at UB Forest Hall, Boro, Sumbersari Village, Karangploso.

In his report, the Chief Executive who is also Surrogate Director of UB Forest, Cahyo Prayogo, SP., MP., Ph.D explained that this workshop activity is a collaborative activity between UB and several related institutions including Perhutani, BPDAS (Watershed Management Agency), Forestry CDK and the community around UB Forests.

“The partnership which is now better known as the MBKM Program, so this activity is actually the activity of the third Faculty of activities under the auspices of the head of soil study program, And for how we can implement this collaboration we also invite friends from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and the Faculty of Water Resource to work together to equate vision and mission in terms of how to actually design collaborative research activities, and be sensitive to changes and global issues,” explained Cahyo.

“If our research does not have an international vision, it is also difficult to get funding, to get research collaboration. So my hope is Prof. Meine Van Norrdwijk (one of the speakers) can give us an idea of ​​what collaborative research from agriculture, livestock and fisheries is actually that become international issue,” he added.

At the end of his report, Cahyo hopes that this collaborative research workshop can improve curriculum achievements and competencies in the fields of Agriculture, Livestock and Water resource in accordance with MBKM Program, and hopes that there will be a lot of input not only from teaching lecturers but also input from participating institutions and farming communities around UB Forest.

In this activity, the inauguration of Field 85 UB Forest was also held by the Dean of FP UB, Dr. Ir. Damanhuri, MS., as the location for Field Laboratory Teaching for Agroecotechnology Study Program, Agribusiness Study Program and Forestry Study Program which are located approximately 500 meters from UB Forest Hall. (ronny/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)