As an effort to protect the entire academic community from acts of sexual violence and bullying, Universitas Brawijaya issued a regulation related to this matter. The Rector’s Regulation number 70 of 2020 is published at the end of 2020.
Ilhamuddin, S.PSi., M.A, as the Expert Staff of Vice Rector for Student Affairs, said there were three things that underlie the publication of this regulation. “First, there are many issues or cases of sexual violence and bullying that have appeared in media. Second, it is not only UB that issues this regulation. Many other campuses have issued similar regulations, which are derivatives of the regulations of the Ministry of Cultural Education and the Directorate General of Higher Education regarding this matter. Third, as a legal umbrella both preventive and anticipatory efforts if there will be cases in the future, “he explained.
To support this Rector regulation, currently UB is also preparing an Integrated Service Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying as the legal institution. “Regarding UKTLSP, it is still under discussion, so the structure under it is still being prepared further. So, , if there is a report, it will be handled by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs or University Counseling, “added the lecturer at the Department of Psychology.
So, he continued, with this regulation, it would be a reason to prepare a legal structure under it. He also mentioned that this office will be intended for all UB citizens, both students, lecturers and educational staff. (VQ/ Humas UB/ Trans. Iir)