Indonesia has a very large biodiversity of aquatic biological resources, including microalgae.
Generally, microalgae are plants that are microscopic in size, live in fresh, brackish and marine waters in colonies (groups) or solitary (single), have pigments, and can produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis (autotrophic).
Microalgae organisms are not familiar to the general public, and cannot even be seen with the naked eye because of their very small size so that their observations require microscope.
The existence of microalgae is very important in water. One of the roles of microalgae is to control water pollution (phytoremediation). For this reason, Sulastri Arsad conducted research on microalgae through the Beginner Research Grant (HPP) funding 2019 by raising the topic of the role of microalgae as a phytoremediator of heavy metal mercury (Hg) as an effort to improve water food safety.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that Spirulina microalgae had a good ability to reduce heavy metal levels so that in 2020 through the HPP 2020 grant funding by LPPM UB, this topic was continued by optimizing the growth of the Spirulina sp Microalgae. For this reason, additional supplements are given using tofu liquid waste. The goal is not only to optimize the growth of microalgae but also to reduce liquid tofu waste by converting them to microalgae nutrients (nitrate and phosphate).
The results of this study indicate that the growth of microalgae given by liquid tofu waste showed a better growth performance, this can be seen from the density of the microalgae.
Sulastri Arsad’s research have been disseminated to reputable international journals, international seminars, and web-seminars “The Latest Technology of Microalgae in Aquaculture” organized by Student Scientific Study Activities (Kakema) Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Airlangga University on (14/7 / 2020) then.
For those who are interested in details can visit the Youtube Channel with the link or if you want to have a direct discussion, you can visit FPIK UB Malang campus. [SA / Humas UB/ Trans. Iir].